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"Vax-Unvax" tour gives Americans a platform to tell their stories about vaccine-related injuries and deaths
By zoeysky // 2024-01-29
The non-profit organization Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has organized a tour where a 42-foot-long bus will drive across the U.S. to collect and record stories from Americans about vaccine-related injuries and deaths. CHD, which was founded by independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is providing a platform through the "Vax-Unvax" bus tour for Americans to contribute to a project called "The People’s Study." According to a CHD representative, the tour's mission is to give the public a voice so they can "learn directly from them what happened when they were vaccinated or allowed their children to be vaccinated, and what happened when they didn’t." The tour will gather stories about all vaccinations, including those on the recommended childhood schedule and those not included yet, like the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

Unvaccinated people were "killed by COVID protocols"

When asked if there was a common thread in the accounts collected, the CHD representative said that after four months on the road, the non-profit noticed "a disturbing trend involving people who didn’t take the COVID shot being, in the words of their loved ones, 'killed by hospital COVID protocols.'" The representative said they heard that same story at nearly every stop of the Vax-Unvax tour. CHD also heard stories from many parents who vaccinated their children following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) immunization schedule with "devastating results." According to the spokesman, in these situations, the second child is often put on a slower, spread-out schedule. However, those outcomes can be just as worrying as having them vaccinated at "full throttle." Many of the families that go on to have more children who they do not allow to be vaccinated or to take vitamin K at birth have had amazing results, with members telling the non-profit that the results are amazing and that their unvaccinated children "are strong and in excellent health." CHD added that another common theme among the parents they talked to involves human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines like Gardasil, which have had severe adverse side effects on many children, who have suffered tremendous injuries and even death. (Related: COVID-19 vaccines caused DECLINE in life expectancy in the U.S..)

CDC still recommends various vaccines for infants

Despite the many reports about tragic vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths, the CDC still recommends infants go on an immunization schedule consisting of 41 doses of 11 different vaccines, including the flu, from birth to six years old:
  1. HepB (Hepatitis B)
  2. RV (Rotavirus)
  3. DTaP (Diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus)
  4. Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
  5. PCV13, PCV15 (Pneumococcal disease)
  6. IPV (Polio)
  7. COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019)
  8. Flu (Influenza)
  9. MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella)
  10. Varicella (Chickenpox)
  11. HepA (Hepatitis A)
However, the CHD warned that the results can be catastrophic if parents follow this advice. Many parents have shared horrifying stories about the tragic deaths of infants and toddlers from the vaccines on the CDC’s recommended list that are given routinely at "well-baby" visits. These remorseful parents would give anything to have kept their babies at home, safe and unvaccinated, instead of blindly trusting what Big Pharma and government health agencies continue to claim are "safe and effective" when they are actually dangerous and even deadly for many children. The stories being collected by CHD run against the mainstream narrative still peddled by Big Pharma and government regulatory agencies. When he founded CHD in 2018, RFK Jr. asked: "Why are our federal agencies not asking the essential question, 'What is debilitating America's children?' We need to know that answer, and we need to stop these exposures to our children today." While the public is still only gradually realizing the reality of the medical establishment’s corrupt merger with government regulatory agencies, the "Vax-Unvax" bus tour is hoping to drive home the message. Visit for more stories about injuries and deaths linked to COVID-19 and other vaccines. Watch the video below to learn how COVID-19 can change people's DNA. This video is from the Thrivetime Show channel on

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