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MEDICIDE: How American hospitals and doctors methodically murdered COVID patients
By newseditors // 2024-02-04


(Article republished from IT WASN’T COVID OR IATROGENIC DEATH AND DISEASE THAT KILLED SO MANY AMERICANS IN HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES AND ALFS ACROSS THE USA; IT WAS MEDICIDE* VIA THE DELIBERATE WITHHOLDING OF EFFECTIVE COVID-19 TREATMENTS AS WELL AS THE ADMINISTRATION OF LETHAL AND/OR DEBILITATING PROTOCOLS INCLUDING COVID SHOTS *MEDICIDE = Premeditated Murder of Patients via Medical Means to Include the Concealment of Effective Treatments, Use of Injurious Protocols, Criminal Neglect in Hospitals, and the Systematic Administration of Fatal Injections Misrepresented as COVID-19 Vaccines

Which means that virtually the entire medical profession, that routinely services America’s healthcare needs, broke the most basic law of doctoring to a powerless patient—DO NO HARM

Not only did these cowardly physicians NOT “do no harm”, they inflicted untold pain and suffering on the most vulnerable patients in their care. This national stain on the medical profession will never be washed away.  How can such “Intentional Mass Murder, Planned Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity” ever be forgiven, ever be forgotten? What all of those doctors, who are stone-cold guilty of medicide, could have done is listen to the very few physicians and scientists who courageously spoke the quite obvious truth about how to successfully treat COVID-19. For example: Romanian Lung Doctor Formulates Covid Protocol That Cures 100% of Patients. Much more importantly, the countless genocidal doctors who are rushing and pushing to jab every patient in sight with an extremely dangerous and deadly Covid injection could be paying close attention to those physicians who are writing and speaking truthfully about the untested shots. This completely avoidable tragedy could have been easily averted had America’s doctors stood up to Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the primary ringleaders of this ongoing genocide. But instead these spineless cowards went along because of the financial incentives they received to basically kill and/or injure people on a grand scale.  Or, they chose to murder their patients in order to avoid being blackballed by their hospital, physician group or professional association. In other words, these “Doctors Without Conscience” would rather commit genocide than heal their patients in the safest and quickest manner.  WOW! Had a critical mass of physicians across the USA followed the chilling facts and transparent truths they could have swiftly formed a bloc that would have easily faced down America’s Dr. Josef Mengele—Dr. Fauci. By the way, this righteous approach can still be done, and with great effect, should docs in all 5o states speak truth to power like never before.  If you’re a physician reading this, please pass this link along to every fellow doctor post-haste; the continuity of this Republic greatly depends upon it.


The Entire American Medical Establishment Is Guilty of Intentional Mass Murder, Planned Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity


Corruptocrats such a Dr. Anthony Fauci must be held accountable for the mass death that they all conspired to bring about during this wholly manufactured Plandemic and pervasive criminal cover-up  The best way to make a glaring example of them is to hold Nuremberg-style trials that are televised globally as a lesson to every other medical professional who is tempted violate their Hippocratic Oath. Read more at: