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Biden claimed he saw "confirmed pictures" of Hamas beheading children – turns out it was a COMPLETE LIE
By ethanh // 2023-10-13
The pretender-in-chief has lied once again, this time about the events that allegedly took place in Israel over the weekend at the hands of Hamas. In a statement, Joe Biden, also known as "the big guy," claimed that he personally saw photos supporting Israeli claims that Hamas had beheaded infant children during its kibbutz massacres. Biden specifically stated that he saw "confirmed pictures," meaning they were real without a doubt, of the beheaded children, who are said to be among the more than 1,000 victims who died in the melee. The White House later issued a follow-up statement to basically say that Biden lied to America and the world about what he saw. "It matters that Americans see what's happening," Biden mumbled during a roundtable with Jewish community leaders at the White House this week. "I've been doing this [for] a long time. I never really thought that I would see ... have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children." White House national security aides later followed up these bizarre statements by Biden with statements of their own that there has not been any access to any alleged photos of the events Biden described. (Related: Did you know that Israel and the U.S. created Hamas back in the 1970s to counteract Yasser Arafat?)

White House confirms: nobody has seen any beheading photos, nor have any of Israel's claims about the Hamas attack actually been verified

According to National Security Council (NSC) spokesman John Kirby, who attended the roundtable along with Biden and other White House officials, he has not personally seen any of these alleged beheading photos, and is simply trusting what Biden says about their existence. The White House itself later officially walked back Biden's statements, telling The Washington Post that neither Biden nor any other U.S. officials have seen any photos, nor have they independently verified any of the official reports coming out of Israel. In other words, pretty much everything the world has been told thus far in this latest shock and awe campaign, or what some are describing as "Israel's 9/11," has yet been confirmed with actual evidence to be true. It turns out that Biden's statements about "confirmed photos" were also a game of telephone in that he was simply regurgitating what he was told by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's spokesperson Tal Heinrich about the matter. Where the idea of these "child beheading" photos first originated were in claims made by Israeli Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv to CNN about babies and toddlers having supposedly been found butchered in Kfar Aza kibbutz, a small community near Israel's border with Gaza. "They cut heads off the people," Veruv said to CNN, which of course immediately ran with the story as fact. "They kill babies in front of the parents, and then kill the parents; they kill parents and we found babies in between the dogs and the family they killed before him." Since Veruv made these statements, there has been even more confusion among media sources as to whether he was talking about the babies that were allegedly decapitated, or whether this was another alleged incident that occurred at the hands of Hamas. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claimed on X that certain select members of the international media were allowed to personally tour the Kfar Aza site where Veruv claimed a "massacre" of women, children, toddlers and the elderly – basically all the pull-on-your-heartstrings demographics in one fell swoop – is said to have occurred. "They killed them and cut some of their heads; it's a dreadful thing to see," further claimed Davidi Ben Zion, deputy commander of the Unit 71 that led the recovery effort in Kfar Aza. More news about the escalating situation in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: