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Fox News host Mark Levin encourages Israel to launch GLOBAL NUCLEAR ATTACK if its existence is threatened
By ethanh // 2023-10-23
In a quivering, unhinged rant this week, Jewish pundit Mark Levin reamed out Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy for daring to suggest that the United States does not need to involve itself in yet another foreign war, in this case by helping Israel to destroy Gaza and its other neighbors. Demonstrating once again how the pro-Israel crowd really is jumping the shark on this one, Levin launched into wild hysterics when Campos-Duffy stated that America has a mountain of its own problems to deal with, including massive inflation, unaffordable housing and other symptoms of rampant financial terrorism; increasing lawlessness, homelessness and drug abuse, also symptoms of financial terrorism; and a sky-high national debt, to name just a few. After Levin got through foaming at the mouth about how Israel should launch a global nuclear holocaust, if necessary, to avoid being "exterminated," Campos-Duffy chimed in that Jewish people and their pro-Israel supporters need to stop calling it "antisemitic to say that we as Americans should take a pause." To this, Levin snapped back claiming that he never said such a thing (fact check: Levin has indeed suggested on many occasions that it is antisemitic to not support Israel and basically give it whatever it wants), before condescendingly scolding Campos-Duffy for not agreeing with his push to unleash the so-called "Sampson Option." "If Israel is going to face annihilation, you think they have those nukes in there to collect dust?" Levin fumed. "If you're a country that has that type of weaponry, and your people are going to be slaughtered as they were – except this time totally destroyed – they need to be thinking about all their options." (Related: Did you know that Israel created Hamas back in the 1970s to counteract Yasser Arafat?)

Israel threatens America, world: If you don't support us and give us what we want, we'll unleash a nuclear holocaust and destroy civilization

Campos-Duffy made some very good points about how America is already entangled in lots of other conflicts it has no business being involved in, perhaps most prominently Ukraine which is sucking up billions of American taxpayer dollars in its futile resistance against Russia. Why should American taxpayers always be forced to foot the bill for these foreign wars, all of which seem to only benefit Israel at our expense? These are the types of questions Levin does not want asked, hence why he was enraged that Campos-Duffy even dared to utter them. "As far as the U.S. military being stretched, that's not Israel's fault!" Levin angrily declared to Campos-Duffy and the rest of the panel. "It's [got] nothing to do with Israel!" Conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, who is also Jewish, entertained the Sampson Option in much the same way as Levin in a recent broadcast. Also nearly foaming at the mouth with anticipation of it actually becoming a reality, Shapiro proposed a nuclear exchange as the only option to prevent tens of thousands of Jews from dying at the hands of Hezbollah. Shapiro is also demanding that the U.S. provide all the "aid" Israel demands: "The Samson Option, which Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro are so eager to threaten, is Israel's threat to wipe out the entire planet if their 75-year-old Zionist project – which they chose to place in Palestine surrounded by their blood enemies – goes south," explains Information Liberation about what the Sampson Option entails. If the Zionists are allowed to impose their will and desires on the world, you can expect a global nuclear holocaust in the coming days. Learn more at Sources for this article include: