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NHS announces plans to ban transgender patients from opposite sex wards: "Patients will have the right to share ward with people of same biological sex"
By ethanh // 2023-10-05
New proposals put forth by United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) Health Secretary Steve Barclay would prohibit trans "women" from using female hospital wards. Since trans "women" are just males with mental illness, Barclay wants them to use the men's ward just like all the other males. The plan, he says, is to push back against the rampant "wokery" that is damaging of women's rights. In a major reversal, the proposals would see "sex-specific" language return to the NHS, meaning all that nonsense about "chestfeeding" would be undone and returned back to breastfeeding. "We need a common-sense approach to sex and equality issues in the NHS," Barclay is quoted as saying. "That is why I am announcing proposals for clearer rights for patients." "And I can confirm that sex-specific language has now been fully restored to online health advice pages about cervical and ovarian cancer and the menopause. It is vital that women's voices are heard in the NHS and the privacy, dignity, and safety of all patients are protected." (Related: Did you know that the National Education Association [NEA], America's largest public school teachers' union, wants all teachers to destroy evidence about student gender identity surveys?)

The world is sick and tired of all the transgender madness

If the proposals stand, all males will have to stay in the men's ward, and all females will have to stay in the women's ward – regardless of one's "gender identity," which is not really a thing. According to a source close to Barclay, the guy is "fed up with this agenda," meaning the transgender agenda, because of the "damage it's causing." Referring to pregnant "people" rather than pregnant "women," as another example, is simply ludicrous and must come to an end. "He is concerned that women's voices should be heard on healthcare and that too often wokery and ideological dogma is getting in the way of this," the source further stated. Barclay's proposal fully aligns with a 2021 NHS guidance that stipulates trans patients can be placed in single-sex wards on the basis of their gender identity, though they would need to be housed in separate accommodations or their own rooms. Maya Forstater, the executive director of the Sex Matters campaign group, praised Barclay's proposal, telling The Telegraph that it is "fantastic news" that will usher in a "return of common sense." "This is absolutely the right decision," one commenter wrote on a DailyMail Online story about Barclay's proposals. Another wrote about the ongoing doctor, nurse, and radiographer strikes taking place in the UK, warning that nobody will be admitted to any hospital wards unless Barclay and the Tories "get back to the table and negotiate an end" to the strikes. "This is great news!" celebrated another. "Maybe we'll finally be able to dismiss these crazy ideas at long last." Numerous others echoed the same sentiments, with not a single commenter criticizing Barclay's proposals. This just goes to show that transgenderism is not as popular as the media and some government officials would have us all believe it is. "These are just proposals, though," expressed one who is skeptical that anything will actually come of this. "They will just sit around saying, 'oh, yes, that's a good idea,' and nothing will actually be done." Another asked why it took so long for someone, anyone, to stand up and make such proposals. "Because it's not actually about women's rights," this person went on to state. "It's about dominating them. Looking at it through this lens puts a whole new perspective on the subject." The cult of transgenderism will not stop corrupting the world until it is forced to stop. Learn more at Sources for this article include: