9. Plaintiff Jim Hoft is the founder, owner, and operator of the popular news website The Gateway Pundit. He resides in St. Louis, Missouri. The Gateway Pundit is one of the most popular news sites in the country, with about 2.7 million view per day on average. Mr. Hoft maintains and operates The Gateway Pundit’s social-media accounts, including a Facebook account with over 650,000 followers, an Instagram account with over 205,000 followers, and a Twitter account with over 526,000 followers. These accounts include many followers in Louisiana, including the Western District of Louisiana. 10. Mr. Hoft, his website, and his audiences have experienced and continue to experience extensive censorship on social-media platforms, including censorship of speech on COVID-19 issues and election-security issues, due to Defendants’ actions. The Election Integrity Partnership’s public report mentions Hoft 47 times, identifies him as the “#2 superspreader” of misinformation on Twitter, and repeatedly flags his content as supposed “misinformation.” Likewise, the Virality Project also flags Hoft’s COVID vaccine-related speech as “misinformation.” This censorship directly affects Mr. Hoft and his audiences in the Western District of Louisiana and elsewhere.EIP specifically targeted Jim Hoft and The Gateway Pundit mentioning The Gateway Pundit 47 times in their Long Fuse Report. The EIP report mentions The Gateway Pundit, the website operated by Plaintiff Jim Hoft, 47 times. See id. at 51, 74, 76, 101, 103, 110, 112, 145, 150-51, 153, 155-56, 172, 183, 194-95, 206-09, 211-12, 214-16, 226-27.2 More from today’s lawsuit filing:
160. The EIP report indicates that it repeatedly flagged The Gateway Pundit, Plaintiff Jim Hoft’s website, as a purveyor of social-media misinformation: “The top misinformationspreading websites n our dataset were … thegatewaypundit[.]com, a far-right news website. 65% of these tickets involved an exaggeration of the impact of an issue within the election process.” Id. at 51 (33) (alteration in original). Thus, the EIP does not claim that most of The Gateway Pundit’s content was false, only that it involved the “exaggeration of the impact of an issue.” Id. 161. The EIP lists The Gateway Pundit as the second-ranked “Repeat Spreader[] of Election Misinformation” on Twitter, ranking it above Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Breitbart News, and Sean Hannity. Id. at 206 (188) tbl.5.2. In the 2020 election cycle, the EIP flagged The Gateway Pundit’s speech in 25 incidents with over 200,000 retweets. Id. 162. In addition, the EIP lists The Gateway Pundit’s website as the domain cited in the most “incidents”—its website content was tweeted by others in 29,207 original tweets and 840,740 retweets. Id. at 207 (189) tbl.5.3. The Gateway Pundit ranks above Fox News, the New York Post, the New York Times, and the Washington Post on this list. Id. 163. The EIP dedicates an entire subsection of its report to The Gateway Pundit. Id. at 214-16 (196-98). The EIP reports that “The Gateway Pundit was among the most active spreaders of election-related misinformation in our analyses. … It appeared as a top repeat spreader through its website, its Twitter account, its YouTube channel, and its Instagram account.” Id. at 214 (196)For years, you and I, and millions of Americans have been censored, suspended, deplatformed, flagged, and subjected to all manner of dirty tricks by the gods of Silicon Valley. This is simply because they despise our ability to think differently. Dissident thought is increasingly a cardinal sin in the “new” America. And through it all, you have wondered: “Who is doing this to us; who is responsible for this; who has the power to do all of this?” The day is coming when we’re going to pull the curtain back and meet the wizard; and that is right soon. Recently, in the Missouri v. Biden case of which Gateway Pundit is proud to be a key plaintiff, we have been able to prove that the censorship was not the unilateral decision of tech giants. No, ironically, the leftists that run our internet gladly became the fascists they have so long railed against. They finally became “The Man,” and have they reveled in it. They literally engaged in a fascist partnership and conspiracy with the federal government to engage in a MASSIVE, sweeping, multi-year, and on-going effort to eliminate the First Amendment rights of MILLIONS of Americans – particularly Gateway Pundit and you, our devoted readers. Now you might say, how can a private company violate the First Amendment? “Buh, buh, buh, it’s a private company?!?!” When a private company engages in a partnership with the government to violate the Constitutional rights of American citizens, that company effectively becomes a governmental actor for the purposes of Constitutional rights. They have voluntarily subjected themselves to the Constitution. The only reason for the government to involve the private actor company is to give a thin legal veneer to the act: to effect the rights deprivations that the government itself is forbidden from accomplishing. The company cannot hide behind its status, while acting as the government’s deputy in deprivation. The primary Defendants in our new class action are the Election Integrity Partnership (“EIP”), consisting of former federal law enforcement/intelligence agency spooks, the Stanford Internet Observatory, Graphika, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. During the 2020 and 2022 elections, EIP served as a middleman clearing house for the federal government, social media tech giants, and a host of hard-left civil society groups. The supposed intent of EIP was to prevent “misinformation.” In practice, the EIP worked to suppress politically disfavored speech on the internet. More on that in a minute. EIP was created in consultation with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security (“CISA”) and “other stakeholders.” The EIP was created to fill the gap in the government’s ability to police “misinformation” and “disinformation” about elections on social media. Here’s how it would work. In the lead-up to the 2020 and 2022 elections Government agencies across the government, as well as hard-left groups would complain about speech they disliked on social media. EIP would then immediately interface with the respective tech company and pressure the tech company to censor the speaker. This resulted in tens of millions of tweets and posts and other speech being censored, and tens of thousands of Americans being censored, suspended and banned. This is what happened to Gateway Pundit, and as a Gateway Pundit reader, odds are it happened to you, too. EIP and all of its goons are going to be brought to justice. In the process, we’re going to specifically discover the names of the full ecology of entities and individuals whom our oligarchs have created and installed to control thought in this country. They’re all going to be brought to justice, too. America needs this; the Constitution demands nothing less. Godspeed to our lawyers. Please pray for our ultimate victory. God bless you all. Documents Included: Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit Lawsuit Against EIP, Standford Internet, Graphika, Atlantic Council, 2023-05-02 – Hines v. Stamos – The Gateway Pundit Lawsuit … by Jim Hoft The EIP Long Fuse Report. Read more at: TheGatewayPundit.com
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