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Biden regime is the most aggressive promoter of baby murder in American history
By ethanh // 2023-05-12
Once a centrist on this particular issue, fake president Joe Biden and his occupying regime are now officially the most pro-abortion regime in the history of America. Also wildly unpopular, the Biden regime is gunning for reelection in 2024 on the most pro-death platform in American political history. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, Biden, a political fossil, held much different views. In 1974, then-Sen. Biden told a reporter that a woman should not have the "sole right to say what should happen to her body." Later in 1982, he voted in favor of an amendment that would have allowed individual states to overturn Roe v. Wade. Fast-forward to today and Biden is promoting child-grooming drag queens; filling his cabinet with mentally ill transgenders; and pushing for as much baby murder as it can possibly get away with while still getting enough votes to steal the show once again in the next election cycle. (Related: Part of Biden's abortion agenda involves forcing Christian doctors to perform them, thus violating their own religious beliefs and conscience.)

Biden and his puppet master Obama love to murder unborn children

Immediately after stealing office in January of 2021, Biden observed the 48th anniversary of Roe by describing it as a "foundational precedent" to be celebrated. That same month, the fake president signed an executive order repealing the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy, which prohibited global health funds from being spent on abortions overseas. Biden also withdrew the United States from the Geneva Consensus Declaration, a 34-country agreement declaring abortion to not be an international human right. In March of 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a Biden regime plan to repeal the rule that blocks family planning funds from going towards organizations or clinics that perform abortions or provide abortion referrals. Biden and his cronies are also now going after states that, following the overturning of Roe, have taken steps to protect the rights and lives of the unborn. In Texas, for instance, Biden's people filed a lawsuit against the state over its "Texas Heartbeat Act." Then the White House issued a statement supporting the Women's Health Protection Act, which would enshrine into federal law a woman's "right" to murder her unborn baby all the way up to the ninth month of pregnancy. Biden has also repeatedly delivered speeches supporting and promoting abortion, which on top of all the other things he has done makes him the most pro-abortion president by far in American history. When Roe was overturned, Biden was trotted out to say that the Supreme Court decision "casts a dark shadow over a large swath of the land." A couple days later, Biden called for an exception to the Senate filibuster that would codify into law the "right" to abortion. Last summer, Biden issued another executive order calling for a convention of lawyers to sue all pro-life legislation across the land, as well as convene an interagency task force whose purpose it is to promote abortion. Last September, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs announced that, in alignment with the wishes of the Biden regime, its facilities will now offer free -- meaning taxpayer-funded -- abortions for veterans. Since the Biden regime is really just Barack Hussein Obama's third term in disguise, all of this is also a product of that trainwreck of an administration, in which Biden held the second-highest spot as vice president. "In a relatively short time, the Biden administration has secured its place as the most energetic, forceful defender of abortion in the nation's history," reports Harbinger's Daily. "The president has made it clear through executive orders, statements of administrative policy, personnel appointments, and personal advocacy that expanding access to abortion is among his top priorities." The latest news about the left wing's obsession with baby murder can be found at Sources for this article include: