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Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats warned about Dominion "vote switching" and election fraud LAST YEAR
By ethanh // 2020-11-18
Leftists who believe the mainstream media lie that Joe Biden won the presidency are having a blast mocking President Trump and his team for responding with claims that Dominion Voting Systems were used to commit election fraud. What these scoffers fail to realize, though, is that their own Democrat idols said the exact same thing in 2019. Democrat Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Ron Wyden (Ore.), and Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), along with Rep. Mark Pocan (Wisc.), wrote a joint letter to Dominion last December warning that use of the company's voting machines resulted in "switching votes" and other "undisclosed vulnerabilities" that "threaten the integrity of our elections." "In 2018 alone," the letter reads, referring to the midterm elections, "voters in South Carolina [were] reporting machines that switched their votes after they'd inputted them, scanners [were] rejecting paper ballots in Missouri, and busted machines [were] causing long lines in Indiana." "In addition, researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities in 'nearly three dozen backend election systems in 10 states.' And, just this year, after the Democratic candidate's electronic tally showed he received 164 votes out of 55,000 cast in a Pennsylvania state judicial election in 2019, the county's Republican chairwoman said, 'nothing went right on Election Day. Everything went wrong. That's a problem.'" All of this and more, the letter concluded, represents a threat to the integrity of our elections. It also demonstrates the importance of election systems "that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack" – something that is obviously not possible when Dominion Voting Systems are used, the letter contends.

Why don't Democrats want honest elections?

Democrat voters have yet to condemn the allegations made in this letter concerning the outcomes of the midterm election, though they have been quick to blast Trump for refusing to accept the "results" of the 2020 election with a media-demanded concession. The only difference now is that Trump is in the spotlight rather than Warren and Klobuchar, which means the left, like a pack of Pavlov's dogs, is naturally going to respond with hatred over the fact that Trump is unwilling to go down without a fight. When Democrat politicians raise concerns about election fraud, Democrat voters are quick to demand "justice." When Trump and Republicans do the exact same thing, however, they are fascist tyrants who need to be removed from office. In every state where Dominion Voting Systems were used – this includes Michigan and Pennsylvania, along with all of the other swing states – the Trump campaign is demanding a full investigation, as it rightfully should due to the current circumstances. Both Trump and the Republicans want answers as to how Dominion software may have led to "errors" in the counting of ballots, as well as the switching of votes from Trump to Biden. The state of Texas rejected Dominion Voting Systems three separate times after experts from the secretary of state and attorney general's office warned that the software can be easily hacked to produce fraudulent results. "Now it is learned that the horrendous Dominion Voting System was used in Arizona (and big in Nevada)," Trump himself tweeted about the fraud, receiving plenty of criticism from leftists who think the president should simply accept a fraudulent loss. "No wonder the result was a very close loss!" Even so, the left continues to dispute Trump's claims, calling them "baseless" and "unproven," even though numerous legal cases are still making their way through the courts. "I'm not aware of any evidence of specific things or defects in Dominion software that would lead one to believe that votes had been recorded or counted incorrectly," says election technology "expert" Edward Perez, as if his own ignorance of the evidence somehow means it does not exist. As more revelations about election fraud come to light, we will publish them at Sources for this article include: