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Shocking numbers: Comparing COVID-19 deaths to abortion deaths
By victort // 2020-10-28
I recently saw the headline from the New York Times about the deaths of over 200,000 Americans to COVID-19, and it got me thinking. (Article by Katie Beatty republished from What does that number represent? How does this number relate to the number of abortions committed in the U.S. every year? What I found was shocking, sobering, and heartbreaking. My bachelor’s degree is in mathematics, so my automatic response was to begin crunching numbers. In 2018, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States according to the CDC website.
The current population of the United States is approximately 330,484,275 and climbing. One person is born every eight seconds, and one person dies every twelve seconds.[1] So what is the average number of deaths from COVID-19 following this model? As of the week of 10/17/2020, there were 208,633 deaths between February 1, 2020 and October 17, 2020 related to COVID. In order to get an accurate average, we have to take the total number of days. Adding up the total:
So then we have
Truly a tragedy and a sad loss of life. But wait — what about the babies who are aborted and are not included in the 7,779 deaths per day figure? The last recorded number that I could find for abortions is from 2016, where 623,471 abortions were reported in the United States. The estimation for the actual number of abortions in 2016 is 862,320.
That means that the number of babies who are aborted in the United States each day is almost triple the number of people who die daily with COVID-19. Abortion has been legal, however, since the 1973 decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, and COVID-19 has been around only since December. What do the other numbers look like? How many Americans have we lost already to this tragedy? How many empty seats are there at the dinner table because your son or daughter or brother or sister was aborted? Currently, abortion in the United States is on a downward trend with the peak of the crises occurring in 1990. The number of live births is also trending downward. This does not mean that the number of daily abortions is insignificant. In 2017, 18% of pregnancies ended by abortion — in other words, 1 out of every 6 pregnancies. But let’s look a little closer. I compiled the number of registered births between 1973 and 2016, the reported number of abortions per year, and the number of estimated abortions provided by the Guttmacher institute.[2]

Total Number of Live Births

Total Number of Reported Abortions

Total Estimated Number of Abortions




169 million live births. 57 million abortions. An entire generation...gone. Let’s find out what that actually means. Once numbers get into the millions, people start to get confused. Just looking at the congressional budget verifies that statement. In order to find the percentage, first, we need to figure out the potential number of live births. I found this number by adding the total number of estimated abortions to the total number of live births.
Next we find the percentage of abortions to that potential number of live births through division and multiplication.
Twenty-five percent of the population that was supposed to be born in the last 40 years has been aborted? Do you mean to tell me that for every three babies born alive, one was aborted? This is madness. Insanity. This is wrong. It doesn’t end there. The highest recorded number of deaths in one day because of the coronavirus was 2,909 people. The most abortions performed in the United States in one year occurred in 1990, when 1,609,000 children are estimated to have been aborted.
In abortion’s heyday, over 4,000 American children were aborted every day. That is one child every 20 seconds. Three children every minute. The COVID-19 peak comes from one single day, but this is 4,408 babies, every day, for 365 days. It continues. In 1980, the ratio of estimated abortions to live births was 43%!
That’s almost half of all pregnancies! That is absolute craziness! You can argue to me about fetal viability; your body, your choice; and how a majority of abortions performed are done through medication and in the first 12 weeks until you are blue in the face, but at the end of the day, you will still be wrong if you defend abortion. Every person has a unique genetic code from the moment of conception and is a unique person with rights, born or unborn. Two hundred eight thousand six hundred thirty-three COVID deaths to 57,368,870 abortions is not even half a percentage point. So yes, our great nation is in a crisis. But the crisis is not COVID-19; it is abortion. On this upcoming Election Day on November 3, remember what really matters. All of the people who have tragically lost their lives and their futures to abortion. All of the unique, unrepeatable gifts to society that will never be. After all, there is a reason why the right to life comes first in the Declaration of Independence. If we do not have the right to life, all of our other rights don’t matter. This Election Day, you cannot support Biden/Harris and the ticket of death who want to allow abortions up to the moment of birth because you will be complicit in the greatest injustice of our timeThe loss of life that occurs each and every day because of abortion carries more weight than any other issue on the table and is truly the greatest tragedy of our time. Finally, if you have had an abortion, there may be unresolved feelings. Please know that you are not alone. There are programs, like Project Rachel, all over the country that help women struggling with emotional problems after abortion. Reference Table:
Year Number of Registered Live Births Number of Reported Abortions Number of Estimated Abortions
1973 3,136,965 615,831[3] 744,600
1974 3,159,958 763,476 898,600
1975 3,144,198 854,853 1,034,200
1976 3,167,788 988,267 1,179,300
1977 3,326,632 1,079,430 1,316,700
1978 3,333,279 1,157,776 1,409,600
1979 3,494,398 1,251,921 1,497,700
1980 3,612,258 1,297,606 1,553,900
1981 3,629,238 1,300,760 1,577,300
1982 3,680,537 1,303,980 1,573,900
1983 3,638,933 1,268,987 (1,575,000)
1984 3,669,141 1,333,521 1,577,200
1985 3,760,561 1,328,570 1,588,600
1986 3,756,547 1,328,112 (1,574,000)
1987 3,809,394 1,353,671 1,559,100
1988 3,909,510 1,371,285 1,590,800
1989 4,040,958 1,396,658 (1,567,000)
1990 4,158,212 1,429,247 (1,609,000)
1991 4,110,907 1,388,937 1,556,500
1992 4,065,014 1,359,146 1,528,900
1993 4,000,240 1,330,414 (1,495,000)
1994 3,952,767 1,267,415 (1,423,000)
1995 3,899,589 1,210,883 1,359,400
1996 3,891,494 1,225,937 1,360,200
1997 3,880,894 1,186,039 (1,335,000)
1998 3,941,553 884,273 (1,319,000)
1999 3,959,417 861,789 1,314,800
2000 4,058,814 857,475 1,313,000
2001 4,025,933 853,485 (1,303,000)
2002 4,021,726 854,122 (1,293,000)
2003 4,089,950 848,163 (1,287,000)
2004 4,112,052 839,226 1,216,050
2005 4,138,349 820,151 1,198,960
2006 4,265,555 846,181 1,242,000
2007 4,316,233 827,609 1,202,960
2008 4,247,694 825,564 1,212,350
2009 4,130,665 784,507 1,151,600
2010 3,999,386 765,651 1,102,670
2011 3,953,590 730,322 1,058,490
2012 3,952,841 699,202 1,011,000
2013 3,932,181 664,435 958,700
2014 3,988,076 652,639 926,190
2015 3,978,497 638,169 899,500
2016 3,945,875 623,471 874,100
Total Number of Live Births Total Number of Reported Abortions Total Estimated Number of Abortions
169,287,799 45,269,156 57,368,870
[1] This number was taken on October 22, 2020 from the Census Bureau Population Clock.
[2] There was conflicting information between the Guttmacher website and this table. I used the Guttmacher website until 2003, and this table for all data afterward. Some data have been extrapolated.
[3] For 1973–2005.
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