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To celebrate Black History Month, let’s honor the MOST ACCOMPLISHED African American of our generation
By sdwells // 2025-02-20
  • The past 16 years have seen the overreach of political correctness under the Liberals, including the tearing down of Civil War statues and implementing DEI policies.
  • The current celebration of African American History Month includes honoring a notable figure who is not black but is celebrated as the greatest African American for his efforts in tracking and tracing $5 billion in missing taxpayer funds.
  • The commentary criticizes the need for a specific month to celebrate African American history and suggests that appreciation of diverse cultures should be an ongoing effort, not limited to a single month.
  • The piece concludes by calling for transparency in government spending, specifically highlighting the need to account for the $5 trillion in taxpayer money allocated to various government programs and infrastructure improvements.
The Liberals of America sure did shove their political correctness down our throats these past 16 years. They tore down statues of generals from the Civil War. They made sure Black folks who didn’t qualify for certain jobs or universities were awarded those privileges anyhow (DEI). Even white politicians faked being black so they could win favor with the populace and play the discrimination card when anyone criticized them or called out their fraud. So now, since every person who is black is said to be “African American,” that means that everyone from Africa who lives in America is African American, including Egyptians and people from South Africa. That brings us to celebrate the most accomplished African American of our generation, who is helping to save the Republic from sure destruction.

Everyone toast to the greatest African American of our generation who is tracking and tracing $5 billion in taxpayer money that disappeared

He may not be black, but he sure is African American, and this is African American History Month, so let’s all toast to the man with the plan, who should be given the Nobel Prize for his work. It is now politically correct to be politically incorrect, and NO he’s not a racist, or a slaveowner, or a white supremacist, or the President. He’s just the richest man in the world, possibly the smartest, and he sure is taking care of business with TRANSPARENCY, just like everyone always asks for. Even Blacks don’t really like Black History month. Why is there a “month” for it? Why don’t we just appreciate diverse cultures every day of the year, every year? Do we need a month for every culture from around the world? Aren’t we leaving everyone else out if we don’t? While we have African American History Month, let’s celebrate it appropriately and including everyone from that continent in the challenge for greatness. It's time to give the Nobel Prize to someone who actually deserves it, instead of the O’Biden Regime handing out awards to all their favorite crooks and criminals. So, raise a glass and toast to the greatest African American on U.S. soil right now. Don’t be a racist and hate white people either. No more critical race theory, because that’s just reverse racism. We are a country who appreciates all immigrants, we just don’t appreciate ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. See, there is a difference, just in case you’re Liberal and don’t know that. Let’s find out who has the $5 trillion dollars that hard-working U.S. citizens forked over to their government to improve the education system, keep a strong military, and improve the infrastructure of this nation, including roads, plumbing, and energy sources that are affordable. Let’s fix the supply chain and stop robbing honest Americans of their birthright. This has been a public service announcement from Natural Health News. Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about abortions, suicide, and mental health horror stories that are being censored from mass media while you read this. Sources for this article include: