14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and yearsAnd in Luke chapter 21, Jesus warned us that there would be “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” in the days prior to His return. So anyone that attempts to claim that events in the heavens never have any meaning is directly contradicting the Bible. All throughout human history, there have been important signs in the heavens. And now the “Comet of the Century” is here. This comet’s official designation is “comet C/2023 A3”, but it is also known as Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, and right now people all over the Internet are talking about it…
Unless you’ve been on a hiking holiday in Outer Mongolia for the past year you’ve probably heard that there’s going to be a “bright comet” in the sky next month. It’s everywhere! It’s called comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), and you’re likely to be hearing a lot about it over the coming weeks. Already you can’t go on social media without seeing half a dozen news stories announcing “the comet of the century is coming!” illustrated with an AI-generated graphic showing a brilliant ball of light with a glowing tail stretched out behind it.The reason why the comet’s official designation has “2023” in it is because it was originally discovered in early 2023…
As always, the name of the comet itself reveals important details about it, its official name is C/2023 A3 and proceeding in order the letter C indicates that it is a non-periodic comet, the number 2023 that was discovered in 2023, the letter A that its first observation took place in the first half of January and finally the number 3 indicates that it was the third object discovered in that same period. In reality, however, the official confirmation of the discovery of this comet took place on February 22, 2023.We have now reached the time when it will start to become visible in the sky in the northern hemisphere, and that is very exciting. According to an article that was posted by Wired, it was being projected that the date when the comet would shine the brightest would be October 2nd…
C/2023 A3 will shine in the northern hemisphere sky from September 27 and will remain visible until the last week of October. During this period, the comet will reach its minimum distance from the sun, before beginning its journey back out of the solar system. According to the specialized blog Cometography, the day when C/2023 A3 will shine the brightest will be October 2. The comet’s tail will be long and spectacular at this point due to its proximity to the sun.As I discussed in a previous article, Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on October 2nd. In addition, there will also be a “ring of fire” solar eclipse on October 2nd. So on Rosh Hashanah the “Comet of the Century” will be the brightest at the exact same time that a spectacular “ring of fire” eclipse is appearing in the sky. That is quite a “coincidence”. There will only be two solar eclipses during 2024. The first was the Great American Eclipse on April 8th, and the second will be the “ring of fire” eclipse on October 2nd. The “ring of fire” eclipse will only be visible for a very short time, but the “Comet of the Century” will continue to be visible throughout much of October. On October 9th and 10th, the comet will “pass almost directly between Earth and the Sun”…
Thanks to pure good fortune, comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) will then pass almost directly between Earth and the Sun on October 9 and 10. This could cause a spectacular brightening of the comet, thanks to “forward scattering” caused by its dust. Imagine looking towards a bright light source through a cloud of dust grains. The grains nearest to the light source will scatter light from the source back towards you.If conditions are just right, and right now we don’t know if that will be the case or not, there is a possibility that this comet could actually become visible during daylight hours for a short period of time…
As the comet swings between Earth and the Sun, it will be perfectly placed for this forward scattering process to occur. If the comet is particularly dusty, this could cause its apparent brightness to increase by up to 100 times. If it does, there’s a small chance the comet could briefly become visible in the daylight sky on October 9 and 10.We won’t know for sure if this will actually happen until then, but if it does happen it will make news all over the globe. Subsequently, “the Comet of the Century” will come closest to our planet on October 12th…
By the time C/2023 A3 passes closest to Earth on Oct. 12, skywatchers can find it in the evening sky, shortly after sunset.It turns out that Yom Kippur just happens to fall on October 12th this year. That’s right. The “Comet of the Century” will be closest to Earth on one of the most important days on God’s prophetic calendar. But I suppose that is just a “coincidence” too. We are being told that the comet will appear to “rapidly climb in the western sky” and will become “a bright, naked-eye object for a few days” starting on Yom Kippur…
After swinging between Earth and the Sun, the comet will appear in the evening sky. It will rapidly climb in the western sky, and should be a bright, naked-eye object for a few days from October 12. The sliders below will give you a sense of where to look. For the first few days of this period, the comet will still benefit from the forward scattering of sunlight, but this will decrease as it moves away.Could this comet be a sign of war? We are so close to the unthinkable, and it appears that there will be no turning back now. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has announced that his nation “will continue to fight against the Hezbollah terrorist organization with all our strength until victory and the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes.” That means that all-out war is coming. And as I write this article we are only about 40 days away from the most pivotal presidential election in any of our lifetimes. At this point, everyone should be able to see that we are entering a period of extreme chaos. But a lot of people out there have not wanted to listen to any of the warnings, and they certainly are not interested in any signs in the sky. That is extremely unfortunate, because none of us will be able to avoid what is soon coming upon this planet. Read more at: TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com
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