Every time Durov gets any kind of major attention, in other words, the powers that be are ready at the helm to smear him and the Telegram platform as Russian assets. It sounds a whole lot like the media's constant Russia, Russia, Russia! nonsense from Donald Trump's first presidential terms. Fast-forward to the late summer of 2024 and now Durov is in custody after landing in his private plane at Bourget airport in France. He is being charged with all sorts of crimes that Telegram users, and not Durov himself, are accused of committing. It sure looks like the Atlantic Council is at least partially responsible for what is now happening to Durov, as is the U.S. military-industrial complex and the many intelligence agencies that keep it operational and in control of Western hegemony. The reason why they hate Durov so much is that unlike Mark Zuckerberg and other establishment social media platform heads, Durov is unwilling to compromise his users' privacy. Durov never complies with government orders for private data because he knows this type of warrantless intrusion is wrong and only accelerates the world's plunge into tyranny. There is clearly an identifiable pattern at work where deplatforming and hit pieces are no longer enough: The deep state is now resorting to warrantless arrests, indictments and imprisonment to punish Durov and others like him who value the right to free speech and privacy. Is the U.S. government and Israel behind this ongoing persecution of Pavel Durov? Find out more at Tyranny.news. Sources for this article include: Revolver.news NaturalNews.com2 weeks after Tucker interviewed Pavel, the CIA-founded Radio Free Europe (run directly by the CIA for its first 20 years), ran a long piece insinuating Russia was secretly controlling Telegram & Ukraine must seize control of it instead as a military intelligence imperative. pic.twitter.com/w1sL1YpWRM
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) August 28, 2024
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