They have warped and mutilated the meaning of democracy, and “declared their own consensus to be the new definition of democracy.”
In other words, to question mainstream media or the actions of the DHS, FBI, CIA, DOD, DOJ is now viewed to be an attack on democracy itself.Our psychological war team must develop in advance a hostile mental attitude among the target groups, so that at the given moment they can turn their anger into violence, demanding their rights taken away by the regime.In other words, “Make these ethnic minority groups so mad at their government in a general sense that whenever we snap the trigger, they will turn that general anger into physical violence against the state that we want to overthrow,” he explained. Just such a trigger was “snapped” during the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign as the ranks of Black Lives Matter activists swelled and protesters swarmed city streets after the death of George Floyd. “We literally have standard operating procedure in the U.S. government to radicalize and piss off racial minority groups in a general sense against society so that at the correct political trigger, they can turn those racial groups to take down the Trump administration,” he explained. And it could’ve been worse. Rosa Brooks, a senior Obama White House official with a CIA Blue Badge, “contemplated doing exactly this if Trump won the 2020 election, including doing favors and bribing Black Lives Matter so they would turn this anger into violence, and into rent-a-riot against the Trump regime.” The 1983 CIA guidebook explained to its field operators:
Established citizens – doctors, attorneys, businessmen, teachers, etc. – will be recruited initially as “Social Crusaders” in typically innocuous movements in the area of operations. When their “involvement” with the clandestine organization is revealed to them, this exerts psychological pressure on them so that they can be used as “internal cadres” in groups to which they already belong or groups which they could join. Then, through a gradual and skillful process, they will receive instruction in persuasion techniques for the control of target groups which will support our democratic revolution. A system for the control of cells isolates individuals from one another, and at the appropriate moment, their influence is used to fuse the groups together into a united national front.Between May and November 2020, professionals in many different sectors of society were, in fact, skillfully steered into solidarity with BLM. Benz recounted:
The control of mass meetings in support of resistance movements is carried out internally through a covert commando element, bodyguards, messengers, incident initiators, poster carriers (also used to give signals), and slogan shouters, all under the control of the external commando element.“And please, whatever you do, don’t think about everything you know about January 6!” Benz said with a broad grin. “They’re talking about getting a peaceful protest in place, and then making the peaceful protest turn violent because a federal agent or a federal informant – i.e., somebody who is part of a small group of need-to-know agitators – working directly or indirectly with the CIA or CIA cutout,” he explained. Incident initiators embedded in a protest cause violence to escalate. These are small cells or individuals who blend in with the protesters whom everyone assumes are just normal individuals acting on their own. In other words, using taxpayer money, the CIA manipulates millions of people — in any country on Earth, including at home in the U.S. – “to get them psychologically possessed in anger against its own government … and then channel that anger into physical violence which they justify in their own minds because of the anger that the CIA infused them with.” “Using the tactics of a force of 200 to 300 agitators, one can create a demonstration in that 10,000 to 20,000 could take part,” predicted the 1983 CIA guidebook, offering insight to what the nation witnessed during both the many BLM protests of 2020 and the pro-Trump January 6, 2021 rally. In the first case, violence at BLM protests was meant to intimidate and to win support while casting shame on and impugning guilt to non-Black Americans; in the second, it was meant to form a negative public opinion about Trump supporters as dangerous “insurrectionists” who are enemies of democracy. “This is what psyops work is,” Benz said. “Planting fake news stories … creating and disseminating and securing commitments from the media to spread CIA, Pentagon, and State Department disinformation.” The rest is maintaining “rent-a-riot” capacity and triggering it when necessary. “That’s how you get the transition of power.” Read more at:
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