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Egypt to join South Africa in ICJ genocide case against Israel
By ethanh // 2024-05-14
Since the political nation-state that calls itself Israel is becoming progressively more violent and ruthless towards those who remain in Gaza, Cairo is stepping in to join South Africa in pursuing a war crimes case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The suit out of South Africa alleges that the Benjamin Netanyahu regime is violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention with its genocidal operation in the Gaza Strip. South Africa had been standing alone in this effort, but now Egypt is on board. On Sunday, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Cairo is ready to hit the ground running in pursuing justice against Netanyahu and his cronies who seem to have no regard for human lives other than their own. "The submission ... comes in light of the worsening severity and scope of Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, and the continued perpetration of systematic practices against the Palestinian people, including direct targeting of civilians and the destruction of infrastructure in the Strip, and pushing Palestinians to flee," reads a statement from the ministry. (Related: Did you hear? The Anti-Defamation League [ADL] is pushing Congress to pass FISA amendments allowing for the warrantless spying on of student protestors.)

Colombia and Turkey join ICJ case against Israel

South Africa filed the case back in January before it was even undeniably apparent that Israel has been herding the people of Gaza to Rafah in order to slaughter all of them. Now that it is as clear as day what Israel is up to, Egypt and hopefully other nations will rise up and join the case. Starting in the northerly most parts of the Strip, the Zionist regime has been pushing Gaza residents to flee south, promising them safety in Gaza's southern cities. Now that all these refugees have been corralled into Rafah, Netanyahu's plan is to finish the dirty deed he started. The wholly inept Biden regime seems to be the only thing restraining Netanyahu from dropping the nuke, so to speak, on Rafah. The ever-so-gentle and oftentimes duplicitous pushback from America's president seems to be at least part of the reason why Netanyahu is delaying his promised ground invasion. Netanyahu is probably also in a state of pause over the interim ruling back in January from the ICJ, the United Nations' (UN) top court, that Israel probably is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. The mediation body ordered Israel to take certain provisional measures to avoid continuing to commit genocidal war crimes. So far, Netanyahu is holding to his guns in taking a scorched earth approach to Gaza, regardless of what the world thinks about it. He has yet to finish Gaza off, though, and all eyes are waiting to see what he decides to do. The problem with the ICJ is that it seems to be playing both sides, having rejected a second filing from South Africa back in March that requested emergency measures with the threat to Rafah. There is a whole lot of talk going on but no real action, this as Israel continues to decimate Gaza as planned with no real opposition beyond just sentiment. Rafah is just days away from being wiped off the planet, and it would seem that the only one who can save the people of Gaza now is God Himself. Both Turkey and Colombia have also requested to join the suit against Israel. In April, Colombia asked the ICJ to join the case to ensure "the safety and, indeed, the very existence of the Palestinian people." Immediately following this, Turkey signed on as well. The government calling itself Israel is about to receive a rude awakening. Find out more at Sources for this article include: