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Controversial Ukraine-Israel aid bill provides $3.5 billion to support mass migration to America from the Middle East
By isabelle // 2024-05-06
Much of the criticism of the controversial $95 billion military aid package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan has rightfully been focused on the huge sum of money the U.S. is giving away for other countries' war efforts while failing to secure our own borders, but there’s another aspect of the package that makes it even worse: $3.5 billion was slipped into the bill to support mass migration from the Middle East. The $3.5 billion sum has been granted to the U.S. Department of State for its work with international groups that help migrants in their journey to the U.S. These funds will be used to expand the migration routes from many Muslim and African countries. One report shows that these programs brought more than 12,000 individuals to the U.S. from the Congo, as well as upwards of 16,000 migrants from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Pakistan. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Department of Homeland Security’s visa-granting division, announced that it will be opening international field offices in Ankara, Turkey and Doha, Qatar, to raise its capacity for processing refugees. The former will be located at the American embassy in Ankara, while the Doha office will be situated at the American embassy facility at Camp As Sayliyah. The influx of migrants from Muslim countries began during the Obama administration and has helped to radicalize the Democratic Party. Senator Eric Schmitt (R-Missouri) tweeted: "Not only did the ‘Foreign Aid’ package do nothing to secure our own border, it included $3.5 Billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.” A release from the USCIS indicated that the Biden administration has set a refugee admissions ceiling for the year of 125,000 refugees. The statement noted: “Opening these field offices establishes a USCIS presence and expertise in critical locations in the Middle East and is part of our commitment to the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to facilitate safe, lawful and orderly migration and family reunification.” It also claimed opening the new offices “strengthens the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.” The bill also includes $481 million to help settle migrants in American cities. As part of the $95 billion in military aid, it delivers $60.8 billion in aid to Ukraine, along with $15 billion in military aid to Israel plus a further $9 billion for humanitarian aid. It also contains $8 billion for Taiwan and measures aimed at pressuring China and Iran. It also contains a controversial provision that could force TikTok’s China-based parent company to sell the platform or face a ban from operating in the U.S.

Biden is losing voter support over his poor record on border security

President Biden praised the passage of the bill, saying: “It’s going to make America safer. It’s going to make the world safer. And it continues America’s leadership in the world.” It’s not surprising that he is such a fan of the bill given his willingness to let migrants continue to flood the country, but the good news is that Americans are getting tired of his lack of action when it comes to border security. An April 2024 Gallup poll found that the top concern among American voters is immigration and people are fed up as illegal immigration surges at the nation’s southern border. This could help explain why Biden is the least popular president at this point in his presidency in the last seven decades, with a job approval rating of just 38.7% during the first quarter of the year. At the same point in his presidency, Trump's approval rating was 46.8%. Sources for this article include: