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Gov. Abbott, a neocon Zionist, sent TROOPS to Texas universities to brutally assault pro-Palestine students
By ethanh // 2024-04-29
Right-wing Zionist and globalist in Republican garb Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas has reportedly begun deploying troops to college campuses all across the Lone Star State to persecute everyone who is protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza. The below video footage shows military-clad law enforcement officers marching on foot and horseback, Stasi style, onto the campus of The University of Texas at Austin in pursuit of pro-Palestine protesters. The latest reports explain that upwards of 50 students and faculty members have been arrested so far with protests still ongoing. Just like at Columbia University in New York City, police are ordering everyone on campus to stop exercising their First Amendment right to free speech or else face immediate arrest – because America is an authoritarian police state now, in case you have not noticed. (Related: You know who else wants to persecute pro-Palestine protesters on college campuses? John Podhoretz, who recently suggested sending in the National Guard to terrorize those opposed to Israel's genocide in Gaza.)

Zionist privilege

It is Gov. Abbott who is directly responsible for the persecution at UT. After hearing about the protests, which were organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee, the registered student organization and chapter of Students for Justice at Palestine, Abbott had a meltdown and sent in the troops to silence their free speech. All in all, as of this writing, 57 people have been booked into the Travis County Jail, which is music to Abbott's ears. All of the charges, though, have been disposed of, which is likely angering Abbott as he plots his next anti-Gaza persecution scheme. Following the arrests, the Palestine Solidarity Committee posted a fresh call to "Stand with the Arrested, Stand with Gaza," urging both students and faculty in opposition to Israel's genocide in Gaza to converge at UT's Main Mall for a follow-up rally. UT spokesman Brian Davis announced in a statement that 26 of the 50 some-odd people "who violated Institutional Rules and were ultimately arrested" have no affiliation with UT. You can see by this statement that Davis is just as misaligned with free speech as Abbott. The same statement from Davis criticized the protests, claiming they "sought to follow the playbook of the national campaign to paralyze the operations of universities across the country." In other words, Davis believes that the purpose of these protests is not to stop the Israeli genocide of Gaza but rather to "disrupt and create disorder." Meanwhile, pro-Israeli Jewish protesters at UT who were chanting and singing were allowed to remain near the main square, demonstrating the Zionist privilege that infests the United States. The National Guard has not yet been deployed to UT, but the Texas Military Department said it is ready to storm the campus should the protests continue any further. "While the Texas National Guard was aware and prepared to respond to the protests at UT yesterday, no Soldiers were dispatched to the campus during the event," the department said in a statement to the media. "DPS and law enforcement partners did not require assistance. The Texas National Guard is prepared to respond if requested." Abbott is refusing to answer questions about whether or not he actually plans to deploy the National Guard, and is instead referring all media to contact the Texas Military Department for further information. "He once wore a kippah and kissed a wall in Jerusalem," someone wrote on X about Abbott and his true alliances. Israel's genocide in Gaza will not end well for the Zionists. Find out more at Sources include: