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Biden regime tells Zelensky regime to stop bombing Russia's oil refineries because it might cause global energy prices to soar
By ethanh // 2024-04-26
Vice President Kamala Harris held a private meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this week to urge him to refrain from bombing any more of Russia's oil refineries. Since Russia produces much of the world's oil, bombing Russian oil refineries is not in the best interests of anyone, Harris said, adding that global energy prices could soar even further if Ukraine damages any more Russian energy facilities. The Washington Post reported that Ukraine's head of state "brushed off the recommendation," balking at the notion. Even so, the United States just sent billions more U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine to keep the bombings going, so expect $10 gas per gallon in the coming months. (Related: The United States had better listen to Russia unless it wants to collapse into oblivion.)

Ukraine and the West are asking for it

The meeting between the Biden regime and the Zelensky regime took place after Ukrainian drones targeted energy infrastructure in Russia's Smolensk Region, according to local Governor Vasily Anokhin. "Our region is again under attack by Ukrainian UAVs," Anokhin wrote on Telegram, adding that Russian air defenses were already responding to the situation. The attack by Ukrainian drones targeted "civilian fuel and energy facilities," resulting in numerous fires throughout the Smolensky and Yartsevsky districts of Russia. Firefighters were on the scene putting out the fires and reassuring locals to remain calm and not worry. Located about 300 kilometers southeast of Moscow, Russia's Smolensk region borders Belarus. The city of Smolensk is located about 400km away from the border of Ukraine. Ukraine proceeded to try to bomb another undisclosed oil facility in Smolensk around the same time, but those drones were downed by Russian defense forces. Debris from the interception reportedly fell onto a storage unit of oil and lubricants, which also started a fire. In other western areas of Russia, Russian air defenses intercepted numerous Ukrainian drone raids, destroying more than 50 of them over the border regions of Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk, as well as some territories like Smolensk, Ryazan, Kaluga and Moscow are more easterly from the Ukrainian border. Ukraine's drone attacks on Russia's energy facilities started back in January when the Zelensky regime launched a series of long-range attacks on oil depots and refineries using kamikaze drones. The purpose of these attacks is not necessary to accomplish anything on the war front, but rather to try to impress Kiev's Western backers as the Zelensky regime attempts to compensate for a lack of progress on the frontline, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. Even though the U.S., the primary financial and weapons backer of Ukraine, is urging restraint, Ukraine is pressing on in attacking Russian energy facilities, to its eventual demise. "In reality, it is not Ukraine per se that has this capacity," one commenter at RT wrote about the drone attacks. "Most of the missiles and drones are operated by Israeli and European Zionist neocon NATO terrorists." "Then again, Russia should also start giving a taste of the thing not just to Ukrainian Nazis but also to European and U.S. oil and gas companies across the world." "Rather rash and sad that Herr Zelensky carried out further attacks against the Russian oil infrastructure which drives up gas and fuel prices for Americans who were just forced to give Zelensky more mansions, yachts and property in foreign nations," wrote another about the war crimes of former actor and stripper Volodymyr Zelensky, a Zionist Jew. "Such gratitude. Reminds me of a mini-Netanyahu." More related news about the clown show known as the Biden presidency can be found at Sources include: