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House Speaker Mike Johnson ignores America’s best interests in favor of Israel
By isabelle // 2024-04-19
House Speaker Mike Johnson has just unveiled his long awaited foreign aid bill, and it leaves a lot of people wondering just where his loyalties lie as other countries are getting billions of dollars in aid and nothing is being earmarked for securing the nation’s borders. It is not surprising that Johnson is being branded a traitor to America, as the other bills he is putting forward entail acts such as seizing Russia’s assets and giving them to Ukraine, banning TikTok to keep criticism of Israel under wraps, and turning U.S. businesses into spies for the National Security Agency. The legislation unveiled by the House Appropriations Committee will provide more than $95 billion worth of security assistance to other nations. This includes more than $60 billion for addressing the conflict in Ukraine and helping regional partners manage the situation; more than $23 billion of this amount would be spent replenishing American weapons, facilities and stocks. Meanwhile, $26.38 billion of aid is earmarked for Israel as it continues to carry out genocide in Gaza, with some of the money being used to cover the expenses associated with U.S. military operations that were carried out in response to recent attacks on the Jewish state. Just over $9 billion of this total is being set aside for humanitarian needs, which was a stipulation for Democrats to support the bill. Johnson appears to be taking advantage of the recent attacks by Iran on Israel in retaliation for the Israeli air strike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus. The U.S. stepped in and shot down many of the drones and missiles that were being fired at Israel by Iran, and the incident's unprecedented nature is being used to add urgency to his push for passing the security bill. He said that House members will have 72 hours to review the bill before a vote on its final passage will be held on Saturday evening. President Biden supports the package and has called on the House and Senate to pass it. "I will sign this into law immediately to send a message to the world: We stand with our friends, and we won’t let Iran or Russia succeed," he said. Two members of Johnson's party have already said they will try to remove him from his post as speaker over the bill, with Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Kentucky) joining Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) in threatening to oust him. Johnson has insisted, however, that he will not resign.

Johnson blindly supports Israel

Johnson has made no secret of his support for Israel, declaring that it was America’s “biblical admonition” to support the Jewish state during a speech on Monday night before Christians United for Israel. “I'm going to state something that you all know – at this critical moment, the United States must show unwavering strength and support for Israel…We have to make certain that the entire world understands that Israel is not alone and God is going to bless the nation that blesses Israel," he told the crowd, adding that supporting them “also happens to be great foreign policy.” He also recounted how he confronted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) for calling for Israel to hold new elections. "I called the senator and I said, ‘What are you doing? What if I came out and made a statement and called for a regime change in Ukraine…your hair would be on fire," he said. Sources for this article include: