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It is time for the UN to end Israel's colonial occupation, revoke Israel's charter and return the land to Palestine
By healthranger // 2024-04-10
I posted two noteworthy items about Israel on social media today: First post (see on Brighteon.IO) The tide is turning against #Israel, and Israel can only blame itself. It turns out the world can no longer stomach the mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians, children and food aid workers while Netanyahu and the IDF play the "victim" card from World War II. If being a victim is so horrible, then stop victimizing others. If the mass extermination of human beings based on their ethnicity is so evil, then stop exterminating human beings based on their ethnicity. In 2024, Israel has become the single most evil nation on the planet, and even I, once a routine supporter of Israel and its existence, cannot reconcile any sense of morality with what Israel is doing to #Gaza, the West Bank and the Palestinian people. It is time for a single-state resolution: The original UN charter for the formation of Israel in 1948 should be revoked, all land returned to the Palestinian people, and UN recognition of the nation of Israel should be retracted. Let those who commit such repeated atrocities against fellow human beings be condemned to wander the desert, nationless and powerless, in eternal shame for their nefarious, premeditated crimes against humanity. Israel, as currently constituted, is wholly incompatible with civilized life on planet Earth and stands as an insult to God Almighty. Anyone still supporting Israel at this point is supporting the obscenities of death, deception and destruction -- concepts more closely aligned with Satan than with God. Second post: (see on Brighteon.IO) If #Israel decides to attack Rafah, Israel will be defeated in Rafah. The last six months have shown: 1) The #IDF is shockingly weak, largely consisting of poorly-trained "snowflake" soldiers who are weak, lacking skills and lacking in courage. 2) IDF armor is highly vulnerable to #Hamas attacks, and the IDF made a critical error in bombing Gaza, creating ideal rubble conditions from which Hamas fighters can set traps to kill IDF soldiers and destroy IDF armor. 3) The IDF has utterly failed to destroy Hamas (the primary goal announced by Netanyahu) and instead has only bombed 35,000+ civilians and destroyed its own reputation with the rest of the world. The rapid reputation loss by Israel is almost an act of diplomatic suicide, which will cause enormous long-term economic and geopolitical damage to Israel, while aligning nearly the entire world against Israel's very existence. 4) Under current leadership, #Israel has zero morality and is far from being "God's chosen people" unless their God is actually Satan, because their focus is mass death, suffering, destruction and starvation of civilians in Gaza. These are the acts of an immoral, satanic nation, not a nation founded by God or protected by God. 5) Israel and the West vastly underestimated the power of regional forces such as the Houthis (who carried out a highly effective naval blockade without even having a navy) and #Iran (now poised to retaliate against Israel for the strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria). Israel and the West are about to receive a very painful, costly lesson in humility as Iran awakens and shows its technological capabilities in the coming strikes against Israel. Both Israel and the USA are living in the 1990s, thinking they are battling goat farmers wearing sandals. In reality, it is the West that has fallen behind in weapons development while Iran, Turkey and #Russia have surpassed and now out-paced the U.S. weapons industry, which is largely characterized by grift, kickbacks, corruption and DEI policies that put the least qualified people in charge of projects, causing them to fail (as in "fail like Boeing"). We are all about to witness a great humbling of the West, and the military and geopolitical defeat of Israel. The world is shifting to a multipolar model, and the warmongering Neocons are already obsolete, but too arrogant and incompetent to realize it. Col Douglas Macgregor has been calling this out from day one, and he has been right the entire time. Plan accordingly. See also: Israel uses 'Lavender' AI program to massacre entire families in Gaza And this recent interview: Orthodox Jew Andrew Meyer talks with Mike Adams about Israel, Gaza, globalism, faith and anti-Semitism  