Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken knows that Ukraine is about to fall, so he is pushing that to hell with the rules; NATO must accept Ukraine now so that they can declare World War III against Russia –
(Article by Martin Armstrong republished from
A vote for Biden in November is a vote for World War III, and everything we have accomplished with peace will be thrown out the window for a bunch of NEOCONS in cahoots with the Climate Change nut-jobs who are running the White House. I do not see any hope of stopping this war. You can write to your Congressman and Senator, but they no longer represent us.
The NY court will try to imprison Trump, and his trial will start on
April 15th. They cannot allow Trump to win no matter what the people vote for. We are living in a dictatorship. The Democrats would not allow anyone else to be on the ticket but Biden – that is an outright denial of our right to vote. In the Republican Party, they are desperate to imprison Trump, or they will have him killed. They will NOT allow anyone to prevent their agenda for World War III. This is all coming to a head as we approach the major turning point of May 7th on our
Economic Confidence Model. We will deal with this catastrophic shift in trend at our London Conference, which will also be live-streamed.
I am
NOT kidding, and it is
NO CONSPIRACY THEORY that they also want to reduce the world population by 2 billion people to reduce CO2, and that is why the Climate Change people are in bed with the NEOCONS.
These people swear to Congress that Russia would
NEVER use nukes because they know the US would return fire. When you are about to destroy a country, you push that button if you have no other choice.

The peace deal reached was that Ukraine agreed to remain neutral and not join NATO. The NEOCONS had Boris Johnson rush to Ukraine to prevent Zelensky from signing any peace deal. Over 500,000 Ukrainians have died since, and these people have no remorse. Their hatred of all Russians supersedes everything, even our Constitution.

At this stage in the game, Russia’s hardliners are screaming at Putin – See, I told you so. The only option being pushed by the hardliners is to nuke Ukraine
BEFORE they join
NATO completely. There is no way out of this mess. I strongly urge those Ukrainians who are still there to get out ASAP.

Our computer warned that war would start in 2014, and in 2013, I even published that Ukraine was where it would begin. This is a photo from our 2011 World Economic Conference, during which I warned that we would see progress in the war following 2014. They are desperate to create World War III
BEFORE the November election.
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