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Israel threatens to drop NUKES if U.S. stops sending free weapons to the murderous Zionist regime
By ethanh // 2024-04-10
In yet another temper tantrum, the welfare state of Israel is threatening to start nuking its targets if the United States stops supplying the Zionist regime with weapons. Israeli MK Nissim Vaturi, a representative in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling Likud party, issued the threat in an unsubtle way, invoking the perceived threat of Iran retaliating against Israel for bombing its embassy in Syria. "In the event of a conflict with Iran, if we do not receive American ammunition ... we will have to use everything we have," Vaturi stated. In other words, unless the U.S. continues to supply free weapons and ammunition to Israel in order to "bless" the Zionist regime – and thus not be "cursed," according to a bastardized misinterpretation of Genesis 12:2 – then Israel will have no choice but to start dropping nuclear weapons on its enemies. (Related: Israel seems eager to unleash its infamous "Samson Option" of nuclear obliteration on the people of Gaza.)

What Israel wants, Israel gets

In years past, this kind of dangerous rhetoric would have been accepted without a second thought. After all, Israel always gets what Israel wants thanks to the I will bless those who bless you trump card – but will it fly this time? The Biden regime is talking a big game by pretending to reprimand Israel for war crimes, all while continuing to shovel U.S. taxpayer dollars, weapons and ammo into the Zionist arsenal. It would seem, though, that Israel is getting nervous that U.S. support for its war crimes is waning, otherwise Vaturi would not have issued such a threat. Known as the Samson Option, Israel's nuclear last resort, of sorts, is another trump card that gets played by the Zionist state whenever its extortion agenda runs into any kind of roadblock. It is always something along the lines of give us what we're demanding, or else. Jewish media pundit Mark Levin explained on Fox News that Vaturi's threat indeed points to the use of the Samson Option, which would strike not just Iran but the entire world with nuclear weapons. In short, the Samson Option is Israel's last-resort panic button to set off a global nuclear holocaust in the be all, end all of temper tantrums over not getting what it wants. "They can't win a conventional war," Levin admits about Israel's military might. "What are they going to do?" "I think I know what they'd do. I know what we would do. We would destroy the enemy because otherwise we're exterminated. That's all I have to say!" Fellow Jewish media pundit Ben Shapiro agrees. He stated last fall that Israel will, in fact, unleash the Samson Option if America at any point refuses to continue sending free weapons and ammo to Israel. It turns out that the U.S. breaks international law every time it supplies Israel with any kind of aid, not to mention that all such aid rapes U.S. taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars. "Supplying Israel with aid is illegal under U.S. law due to a 1977 amendment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but the U.S. simply acts as though Israel does not have nuclear weapons to keep the aid flowing unimpeded," explains Chris Menahan from Information Liberation. The latest news about the Israeli genocide in Gaza can be found at Sources for this article include: