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Florida braces for impact: Hurricane Haiti is about to crash the Sunshine State
By newseditors // 2024-03-22
Florida is gearing up for a massive impact. But no, it’s not facing down a Category 7 hurricane—it’s something even more daunting. A massive influx of Haitian migrants is heading its way, all expecting a warm US welcome complete with open arms, free health insurance, and whatever else they might wish for. What is the current state of Haiti? An utter catastrophe. Yet, this was somewhat to be expected; after all, Haiti stands as the first nation established on the principles of DEI. (Article republished from Joe Biden helped install this weak, feckless prime minister, by the way. This was just another abysmal failure for Grandpa Sleeps-a-Lot. Meanwhile, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz is ringing the alarm loud and clear. He’s adamant he doesn’t want southeast Florida to turn into “Haiti.” He’s urging Biden to “do the right thing,” which pretty much sounds like a long shot. Gaetz:
I don’t want southeast Florida to become Haiti. I am calling on Joe Biden to do the right thing and declare an anticipated state of mass migration over water. That way we could get naval vessels in the Florida straits to deter the thousands of incoming Haitians before they invade the United States.
In fact, it seems that those 300,000 migrants have already gotten the green light to proceed. At this rate, Biden’s determined to flip Florida blue, come hell or high water. And while Biden builds his voter base, Florida is bracing for impact. Bloomberg:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is deploying 250 law enforcement officers and an air-and-sea fleet to Florida’s southern waters to help curb a potential wave of Haitian immigrants. Haiti has spiraled after weeks of chaos and violence, with gangs controlling 80% of the capital and large swaths of countryside, forcing tens of thousand of people from their homes. Prime Minister Ariel Henry stepped down on Tuesday to make way for a transitional government, and the US and other countries have evacuated non-essential embassy personnel. “No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard’s interdiction efforts; we cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida,” DeSantis said in a statement on Tuesday. Read More: How Violent Gangs Set Stage for Haiti’s New Crisis: QuickTake While the US Coast Guard repatriated about 65 Haitians located near the Bahamas this week, there’s no current indication of a mass exodus to Florida, which lies 700 miles (1,100 kilometers) from Haiti. The governor said he will send up to 133 Florida State Guardsmen to the Florida Keys, alongside additional support from the state’s National Guard, department of law enforcement, highway patrol and fish and wildlife conservation commission. Florida has been seeing an increase in the number of migrants from Caribbean nations like Cuba and Haiti coming by boat. About 500 Cuban migrants arrived to the small islands of the Florida Keys in January 2023 over three days.
As we brace for the arrival of the 300,000 horde, the question on many minds is why we’re funneling $150 million in aid to a country presently under the control of cannibal gangs. Unfortunately, tracing where our money goes or how it’s used in Haiti is a mystery likely to remain unsolved, just like in Ukraine. Welcome to the “Biden Way.” But when all is said and done, President Trump was the one who got the Haiti situation spot on. And what did he get for it? Mockery and ridicule from the left. But once again, he was absolutely right. Read more at: