Because the Constitution makes Congress, rather than the States, responsible for enforcing Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment against federal officeholders and candidates, the Colorado Supreme Court erred in ordering former President Trump excluded from the 2024 Presidential primary ballot.All the Biden regime lawfare attacks against him, in multiple states, have been delayed as we await the arguments at Supreme Court about Presidential Immunity, with many legal experts claiming there will be no completion of any trial or verdict before the November 2024 presidential election. Below we'll discuss why we believe violence is almost guaranteed to erupt by the end of 2024 at the earliest and by January 20 (inauguration day) 2025. STOKING THE FLAMES...... We are already seeing liberal pundits stoke the flames of anger among their followers with their own anger at the recent Supreme Court decision on ballot access, and the mere fact that SCOTUS agreed to hear arguments regarding presidential immunity. Read more at:
Conflict between Russia and NATO could push the world closer to WORLD WAR III, Putin warns
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Macron warns a Russian victory “will reduce Europe’s credibility to ZERO”
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Wyoming bans LGBT indoctrination, ‘social transitioning’ in schools without parents’ consent
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Well, new evidence shows the CIA has turned on the American people…
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Missouri wins $24 billion judgment against China for COVID-19 PPE hoarding
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GOP senators demand answers on Planned Parenthood’s $120M in COVID-19 relief funds
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