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Vivek Ramaswamy goes all-in supporting Israeli GENOCIDE of Gaza; repeats lies about killing civilians for "self-defense"
By ethanh // 2024-02-16
Probably among those who adhere to the bizarre belief that they will somehow receive some kind of divine "blessing" for uttering such opinions, failed presidential wannabe Vivek Ramaswamy wants the world to know that he thinks Israel has a right to do whatever it wants because it is a "Divine nation" that was given a "Divine gift." Israel's outsized response to the October 7 false flag attack by Hamas is simply part of the Jewish ethnostate's efforts "to return to its founding premise," Ramaswamy wrote on X. "A Divine gift, gifted to a Divine nation, charged with a Divine purpose," Ramaswamy added. "Israel has an absolute and unequivocal right and responsibility to defend itself to the fullest, applying the only language its adversaries understand: the language of force." Ramaswamy would go on in his public social media rant to basically encourage Israel to forge ahead with a full-scale invasion and takeover of Gaza because Israel is above the law, including international laws governing war and war crimes. "And what would David Ben-Gurion say? Don't depend on anyone else's fleeting sympathies or permission to do it," Ramaswamy said. "If Israel wants to destroy Hamas, Israel should go ahead and destroy Hamas ... If Israel wants to destroy Hezbollah, Israel should go ahead and destroy Hezbollah." "If Israel and Mossad wants [sic] to pull off Munich 2.0 and take out every last leader of Hamas wherever they may be hiding, from Doha to Dresden, and host a red wedding at the Four Seasons in Qatar the next time Haniyeh and Mashaal show up, they should go ahead and do it." (Related: Last fall, conservative fast-talker Ben Shapiro attacked Candace Owens for rebuking his position on the Israel-Gaza war using Holy Scripture.)

Trump applauds Ramaswamy at Mar-a-Lago celebration

Former President Donald Trump apparently agrees with these sentiments as he recently welcomed Ramaswamy to his lavishly garish Mar-a-Lago estate and country club in southern Florida where the two applauded each other in what many observers say could be a signal that Trump plans to make Ramaswamy his vice president running-mate. Ramaswamy, 38, and his wife Apoorva entered the Trump gala together where they greeted Trump, 77, and his wife Melania at the "Golden Evening for a Golden President." "Vivek is here: He's smart, he's sharp, I was happy to get him the hell out of the race," Trump blabbed. "And as soon as he got out, he endorsed me. And he's got a tremendous future." "He's young, and he's smart. Melania and I were just saying, 'You don't get sharper than this.'" Ramaswamy leapt to the stage following this to scratch Trump's back as well, stating that "we're in the middle of a war in this country" and that only Trump can save the day. After rattling off about a number of hot-button issues like inflation and the southern border, Ramaswamy lauded Trump with praise and worship, billing himself as "a hardcore MAGA acolyte keen on moving Trump's agenda ahead," to quote the New York Post's Ryan King. "I have a lot of good people," Trump bragged to Fox Business Network's "Sunday Morning Futures" program. "We have a lot of really good people." This is an about-face from what Trump previously said about Ramaswamy ahead of the Iowa caucus, stating to the Post that the American people can "probably" rule out Ramaswamy as a VP candidate. "So was it little girls or little boys?" asked someone on X in response to Ramaswamy's gushing post in favor of Israel's genocide, the implication being that Israel has some kind of blackmail on Ramaswamy. "Which one did they get you on tape with?" The latest news about Israel's genocide in Gaza can be found at Sources for this article include: