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Outrage: Biden holds America HOSTAGE while demanding ransom in form of BILLIONS more in "aid" for Ukraine, Israel
By ethanh // 2024-01-30
The Biden regime says it will only "secure" America's southern border if Congress agrees to pass a bipartisan bill to send more cash to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The reason why the word "secure" is in quotes above is because, under Biden's concession plan, as many as 150,000 illegals will still be allowed to cross into the United States per month, which is hardly the sealed border that Republicans, especially in Texas, are demanding. "If that bill were the law today, I'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly and bring a bipartisan bill that would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here," Biden mumbled in a statement. In other words, the only way Biden will do the right thing for America is if the D.C. war machine's slush fund is topped off to the tune of billions more in taxpayer money being sent overseas to the money laundering operations of Ukraine and Israel. (Related: Texas is on the verge of waging full-scale war against the federal government over the latter's refusal to secure America's southern border.)

Texas explores waging war on D.C. to secure southern border

As many are now rightfully pointing out, Biden does not need Congress to pass his slush fund bill in order to seal America's border. Existing immigration law simply needs to be enforced, which Biden says he will not allow unless he gets his way with securing more funding for Ukraine and Israel. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) commented on this the other day, noting that Biden "falsely claimed" he needs Congress to pass a new law to allow him to close the southern border, "but he knows this is untrue." "As I explained to him in a letter late last year, and have specifically reiterated to him on multiple occasions since, he can and must take executive action immediately to reverse the catastrophe he has created," Johnson further said. Following a ruling by the Supreme Court against his plan for Texas in favor of Biden's open borders scheme, Gov. Greg Abbott doubled down on securing the border himself with more razor wire along the Rio Grande River in Eagle Pass. "The Texas National Guard continues to hold the line in Eagle Pass," Abbott announced in X, adding that "Texas will not back down from our efforts to secure the border in Biden's absence." Rep. Ben Cline (R-Va.) appeared on FOX Business to defend Texas and show support for Abbott's plan, stating that Biden's claim about Texas not being allowed to use its National Guard for self-defense is ridiculous. Chances are that Republicans will ultimately concede to Biden's demands by passing a pork-filled abomination of a bill that perhaps slightly improves the state of America's southern border while allowing billions more in U.S. taxpayer dollars to flow into Ukraine, Israel and apparently Taiwan as well. "He's holding the border issue hostage," one incensed commenter wrote about Biden's lies. "He's allowing the invasion to continue. He's a traitor." "And he has no shortage of colleagues in D.C.," responded another about the cesspool known as America's federal government. Will Biden succeed in holding America hostage to keep the money flowing to Ukraine, Israel and other deep state entities? Find out more at Sources for this article include: