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Biden's average approval rating of 39.8% is second-lowest for the third year of a first-term president
By lauraharris // 2024-01-30
President Joe Biden's average approval rating of 39.8 percent for his third full year in office is the second-lowest among first-term presidents in their third year – only ahead of former President Jimmy Carter's rating in the late 1970s. Carter's average approval rating dropped to 37.4 percent in his third year due to soaring gas prices, double-digit inflation and the Iranian hostage crisis. Other recent former presidents, including Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, also had approval ratings below 50 percent in their third year. Meanwhile, the third-year approval rating of former president Dwight Eisenhower of 72.1 percent remains the highest among first-term presidents. Biden registered personal lows with a 37 percent job approval rating in April, October and November last year. The latest Gallup poll, conducted from January 2 to 22, shows a 41 percent approval rating, with 54 percent expressing disapproval of his performance. The approval ratings of Biden have fluctuated in the high 30s to low 40s since September 2021, after the troubled withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, even though the initial six months of his presidency saw majority-level approval ratings. Party-wise, the recent Gallup survey reveals a stark divide, with 83 percent of Democrats approving of the job performance of Biden, compared to 35 percent of independents and a mere six percent of Republicans. These figures align with the recent trend in party-specific approval ratings.

Biden's approval ratings dropping over time

Biden’s third-year average was lower than both his first-year and second-year averages of 48.9 percent and 41 percent, respectively. And his poor approval ratings are consistent across different polls. A National Public Radio (NPR) and Marist College poll conducted in 2023 shows similar results to the recent Gallup poll. According to the previous poll, conducted between Aug. 11 and Aug. 24, 52 percent of the 1,220 respondents are not satisfied with the job performance of Biden compared to the 41 percent who think he is doing well in his role as chief executive. Just like the Gallup poll, Biden's disapproval ratings in the 2023 poll are notably pronounced along party lines, with 91 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Independents expressing dissatisfaction with his performance. Bryan Richardson, a commentator from the DC Enquirer, put in his two cents about the results going against the incumbent president. "It's easy to see why. While [former President Donald] Trump sought to Make America Great Again, Biden has done nothing to help the American people. While we had a strong border under Trump, we have open border extremists running things with the Biden administration in charge. While Trump patriotically sought to promote our American values, Biden has propagated woke ideology from the highest office in the land," he wrote. Furthermore, Richardson claimed that the strong disapproval from both GOP and independent voters could be "scary for a president looking to score his second term." The president might get more support if Democrats, who currently disapprove of him, change their minds or, better yet, convince more independents that he deserves a second term. However, his approval among independents has mostly been below 40 percent since the fall of 2021. In short, he has a bigger hill to climb. Head over to for more stories about the incumbent president before the 2024 elections. Watch Owen Shroyer of InfoWars outlining some reasons why Biden's approval rating is dismal. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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