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Scottish parents face SEVEN YEARS in prison for refusing to affirm children's "gender identity"
By ethanh // 2024-01-16
Newly proposed legislation in Scotland would make it a crime, punishable by up to seven years in prison, for parents to refuse to "affirm" their gender dysphoric children's self-selected "gender identity." Legislators launched a public consultation in early January to end all conversion practices for both sexual orientation and gender identity. If passed, the bill will impose harsh punishments on parents who refuse to play along with their children's LGBTQ delusions, including a child's desire to slice off body parts or take gender-bending pharmaceuticals. Proposed by Scottish "Equalities Minister" Emma Roddick, the bill aims to criminalize what it calls "coercive" behavior by parents that intends to "change or suppress" a child's gender identity – because doing so, according to Roddick, causes "harm" to a child. The word "coercive," as used in the legislation, is defined as any type of "violent, threatening, or intimidating" behavior towards a child that involves "controlling the victim's day-to-day activities," or that involves "pressuring the victim to act in a particular way." Such behavior would need to be persistent in order to qualify for punishment, though the bill states that it only needs to happen "on at least two occasions" to constitute a violation of "harm." "Harm," as defined in the bill, involves any "physical or psychological" act that causes "fear, alarm and distress" in a child's mind. (Related: Did you know that Scotland banned certain types of anesthesia last year due to their "impact on the climate?")

Parental rights on the chopping block throughout the West

Under the proposal, parents would still be allowed to defend themselves against punishment if they can prove that their actions were objectively reasonable. A group called Women Scotland that exists to protect the rights of women and children – never men, of course – in Scotland is expressing concerns about the draft legislation. "We have grave concerns that these plans will criminalize loving parents, who could face years in jail simply for refusing to sign up to the gender ideology cult," said Women Scotland spokesperson Marion Calder. "They will also hand activists and social workers unprecedented powers to meddle in family life, while having a chilling impact on therapists and counselors. If the SNP and Greens insist on pushing this through, it is likely to go the same way as the toxic self-ID and named person laws and be blocked in the courts." The newly proposed legislation comes amid numerous other recently passed bills pushed by the left-wing Scottish National Party (SNP), which spends a lot of its time promoting transgenderism, particularly among children. Last year, the SNP voted to remove the requirement for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria in order to apply for a gender recognition certificate, which is needed in Scotland to legally change one's official gender. Another reform pushed by SNP involves slashing the amount of time an applicant has to live in a preferred gender from two years to just three months, as well as lowering the minimum age at which a person can apply for a gender recognition certificate from 18 to 16 years. "The UK Government committed in its 2018 LGBT Action Plan to end the practice of conversion therapy and published a consultation in October 2021," reads an overview statement from the Scottish government. "However, a Bill has not been included in the UK Government's legislative programme 2023-2024." "Conversion practices are harmful. They are promoted within an ideology that views LGBTQI+ identities as wrong and believes that they can be changed. This legislation aims to protect people from the harm of conversion practices." The LGBT takeover of the West by the globalists continues full-steam ahead. Find out more at Sources for this article include: