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COVID-19 vaccines caused DECLINE in life expectancy in the U.S.
By avagrace // 2024-01-09
Life expectancy across the U.S. has declined, and this drop coincides with the introduction of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. According to Elizabeth Arias, a researcher for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the U.S. life expectancy. "[It will take] some time before we're back where we were in 2019," she said. The Daytona Beach News-Journal reported that according to CDC numbers, life expectancy for the entire U.S. was 77 years in 2020. However, this dropped to 76.4 years by 2021 – in time for the introduction of the COVID-19 injections that year. Heart disease was the leading cause of death in the U.S. for 2021, and this is also linked to the COVID-19 injections. It can be noted that many of the most widely reported side-effects from COVID-19 injections have been related to the cardiovascular system. Countless people have suffered from either a heart attack or a stroke after being injected. (Related: New "smoking gun" analysis shows dramatic excess mortality rise linked to COVID-19 vaccines.) One study by the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California found that heart attack deaths climbed for all age groups during 2020 and 2021. But the biggest jump in heart attack deaths was seen in the group aged 25 to 44 at 29 percent.

COVID-19 injections shorten men's lives by 24 years

The CDC's own data also disclosed the true dangers of the vaccines. According to the Daily Expose, men injected with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines could see as much as 24 years taken off their lifespan as a result. The public health agency's all-cause mortality data shows that each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine a person got raised their mortality rate by seven percent in 2022, compared to 2021. In other words, people injected with five doses were 35 percent more likely to die in 2022 than in 2021. The Expose compared the COVID-19 vaccines to "slow-acting genetic poison" based on this data, given the fact that people do not appear to be recovering from the damage caused by earlier vaccines when it comes to excess mortality. It ultimately warned that a person injected with five doses would be 350 percent more likely to pass away in 2031, and a shocking 700 percent more likely to die in 2041 than an unvaccinated person. Dr. Robert Califf, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), acknowledged this reduced life expectancy. "We are facing extraordinary headwinds in our public health with a major decline in life expectancy," he wrote on X. "The major decline [of life expectancy] in the U.S. is not just a trend; I'd describe it as catastrophic." Not surprisingly, Califf stopped short of pinning the blame on the COVID-19 vaccines. Many of those who dare to suggest that the injections are responsible for excess deaths find themselves being censored. In one instance, whistleblower Barry Young from New Zealand shared data from the country's health agency that pointed to a strong link between the COVID-19 injections and excess mortality. According to the data he shared, the vaccines killed more than 10 million around the world. But this revelation came with a steep price, as Young was arrested and now faces prison time. Nevertheless, the whistleblower said he shared the data as it blew his mind. He also wanted experts to analyze it and make people aware of what is happening. Visit for more similar stories. Watch this video about a new COVID-19 strain causing a pandemic of heart failure globally. This video is from the Katy Odin channel on

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