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Maine Democrat who pushed to remove Trump from 2024 ballot met twice with Biden, referred to Electoral College as "relic of white supremacy"
By ethanh // 2024-01-03
The government official in Maine who led the charge to remove Donald Trump from the state's 2024 ballot is a Democrat agitator who personally met with President Joe Biden at least twice this year, and is also on record as having called the Electoral College a "relic of white supremacy." Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was personally invited to the White House on two separate occasions this past year, according to White House visitor logs. The first trip was so Bellows could attend a Women's History Month event held on March 22, at which she appeared alongside Biden for a photo shoot. During the event, Bellows took to social media to brag about her time with Biden, calling it "amazing." "Birthday jaunt to D.C. for a Women's History Month event at the White House yesterday and walking around today," Bellows wrote on her Facebook timeline as the event was still taking place. The Maine secretary of state's office also issued a press release in which Bellows wrote that it was "an honor to join" Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and various other female leaders across the country. "It was an honor to join President Biden, Vice President Harris and amazing female leaders from around the country to celebrate Women's History Month at the White House yesterday," Bellows said at the time. "I hope to someday see the last of the 'firsts' like myself, but as we continue to see these groundbreaking leaders in new positions of power, I look forward to celebrating them as part of our nation's history." (Related: Did you catch what happened to Project Veritas concerning the Ashley Biden diary scandal?)

When they say bipartisan, what they really mean is far-left

Bellows' second known trip to the White House occurred on June 6 when she, along with more than a dozen others, traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with Justin Vail, Biden's special assistant. Based on social media posts from Bellows and others around that time, the event appears to have been organized by a group called Issue One Reform, which describes itself as "the leading crosspartisan political reform group" in D.C. working to "unite Republicans, Democrats and independents in the movement to fix our broken political system and build an inclusive democracy that works for everyone." Two days after the event, Dustin Czarny, a Democrat who attended the event and who also serves as the Onondaga County elections commissioner as well as the Democratic Caucus chair of the New York State Elections Commissioner Association, tweeted a message on X about it to which Bellows responded with: "Yes! That was such a powerful part of our trip to D.C. Democrats, Republicans and nonpartisan elections officials united on issues of protecting election workers and finding critical election infrastructure." Shortly after taking office as the Secretary of State for Maine in 2021, Bellows, who for four years represented Maine's 14th district in the state Senate, wrote an op-ed for a leftist platform called Democracy Docket in which she touted her efforts to make "voting more accessible." In that same piece, Bellows wrote that she initially decided to seek the position of secretary of state in Maine after the 2020 presidential election outcome, which she says made her "truly frightened for our democracy." It was in that same op-ed that Bellows would proceed to blast the legitimacy of the Electoral College, stating that she believes the process to be rooted in white supremacy. Bellows, like some other Democrats, also believes that Trump is now disqualified from running for office again in 2024 because of his involvement in the January 6 "insurrection." The latest news about Trump's run for the presidency in 2024 can be found at Sources for this article include: