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Israeli general KILLED Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, then lied about it
By ethanh // 2023-12-28
Israel's Channel 12 just released previously unseen footage showing an Israeli tank firing at an Israeli civilian home located just a few miles east of Gaza in Kibbutz Be'eri. The footage contradicts claims previously made by the Israeli commander on the scene, Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, who lied to a top Israeli journalist about what happened in the kibbutz on Oct. 7 by blaming Hamas for the destruction of Israeli lives. What Hiram did amounts to an attempted coverup by a senior military officer with complicit support from the media. Even so, Hiram will soon be promoted to a new role as commander of the Gaza Division, the Israeli army brigade that was routed by Palestinian forces the day of the attack. Interestingly, Hiram currently resides in an Israeli settlement known as Tekoa, which was reportedly built in violation of international law since it is located in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Initially, Hiram gave a false account claiming that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) made an attempt to rescue civilians in Be'eri. He also fabricated some of the gruesome propaganda released by Israel following the attack, including the hoax that Palestinian fighters tied up and executed in cold blood 10 civilians in the kibbutz, eight of them children. (Related: Just before Christmas, a Jewish teacher at a public school in Georgia threatened to behead a Muslim student for questioning the Israeli flag hanging in his classroom.)

Western support for Israel based on LIES

One of the reasons why Western powers like the United States continue to support Israel both financially and militarily is because of the lies that officials like Hiram fabricated to drum up outrage. You may recall the testimony given by Yasmin Porat who told Israeli state radio almost immediately after the initial attack that it was IDF and not Hamas that committed the atrocities she witnessed in Be'eri. Ten days later, Hiram would give a nearly opposite account, which was accepted without question by the White House and other supporters of Israel. Porat, in case you missed the story, was among 15 civilians held by Palestinian fighters in the very house that the new footage shows being blasted by an Israeli tank. Fellow Be'eri resident Pessi Cohen was killed in the tank attack. In her interview, Porat described how she and her partner Tal Katz were at the Supernova rave when rocket fire from Gaza began in the early morning hours of Oct. 7. Porat and Katz immediately got in their car and fled the area, escaping to Be'eri for refuge. Once in Be'eri, Porat and Katz knocked on the door of kibbutz residents Adi and Hadas Dagan. There they all hid together until Palestinian fighters found them and ushered them to another nearby house where other hostages were also being held. Porat claims that while at the second house, she and the dozen-plus other Israeli civilians were treated "humanely" by Hamas, which assured them all that they would not have to endure any further harm while serving them water and making sure they had fresh air on the hot day. The Palestinian fighters' plan was to convince Israeli authorities to allow them safe passage back to Gaza. Once at the border, they would then release the hostages for safe passage back to their homes in Israel. To make a long story short, Porat called the police on behalf of the gunmen to help negotiate their way out. After numerous calls and several hours of waiting, an Israeli tank showed up and began firing without warning, killing several Israelis inside. As Israel's war on Gaza accelerates, you can keep up with the latest at Sources for this article include: