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Poll: 8 of 10 American voters consider illegal immigration crisis at the southern border as either "an emergency" or "a major problem"
By lauraharris // 2023-12-29
A recent Fox News poll found that the illegal immigration crisis in the southern border could be a major factor in the 2024 presidential election. The poll, conducted under the joint direction of Beacon Research and Shaw & Company Research, included interviews with 1,007 registered voters randomly selected from a nationwide voter file. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points. According to the poll, conducted from Dec. 10 to 13, the immigration and border security crisis has been rapidly rising to the forefront as the second most crucial issue. The issue gained eight percentage points since August, while voters looking at the situation as an emergency have remained consistent since October. The urgency surrounding the immigration issue is reflected in the increasing support for policies aimed at strengthening the border. The results showed that 79 percent of voters – roughly eight out of 10 – have a serious view of the border crisis. Of this number, 45 percent see it as a major problem while 34 percent see it as a major emergency. Seventy-nine percent of participants also favored an increase in the number of border agents, while a substantial 67 percent of American voters support the deportation of illegal aliens as the border crisis continues to worsen. Sixty-four percent of respondents support the idea of imposing financial and criminal penalties on businesses for knowingly hiring illegal aliens, while 62 percent favor penalizing enterprises for allowing illegal immigrants with U.S. jobs to stay and apply for legal status. Fifty-eight percent of voters favor the deployment of the U.S. military at the border, while 54 percent favor the construction of a border wall. However, partisan divides emerge when it comes to specific policy preferences. For instance, 89 percent of Republicans overwhelmingly support the deportation of illegal immigrants, while Democrats are divided on the issue with 48 percent in favor and 44 percent opposed. Notably, there has been a shift in public opinion over the past several months, with 67 percent now favoring deportation compared to 58 percent in February. (Related: DHS chief Mayorkas’ plan to solve the Biden migrant crisis is to allow millions more into the country.) The poll also highlights a notable increase in the importance voters place on immigration and border security, with 19 percent identifying it as the most critical issue facing the country, up from 11 percent in August. This surge is particularly pronounced among Republicans, who have increased their emphasis on the topic by 13 points, and men, with a 10-point rise. Only 33 percent of voters approve of how President Joe Biden is handling border security, while a significant 63 percent disapprove. This represents a decline from the high of 40 percent approval in May 2021 and a low of 30 percent in November.

Frustrated American voters seek solutions to worsening immigration crisis

American voters are getting frustrated with the support of the political establishment for large-scale immigration, both legal and illegal. The impact of both illegal and legal immigration on blue-collar and white-collar workers has left many in precarious economic situations, diverging significantly from the experiences of previous generations. The majority of Americans are also unhappy about how their neighborhoods and familiar places have changed due to the demographic shifts caused by mass migration. For them, the country they live in seems like a different place compared to what they and their parents knew. Still, the political elite seems determined to continue with this social experiment. As a response, the political group America First movement urged the public to help stop these changes. The group thinks restricting immigration is the key. Both Democrats and Republicans are criticized for keeping the doors open to mass migration, which is seen as harmful to Middle America. There's a belief that a new political force, like the America First movement, is needed to reverse this troubling social experiment and bring about positive change. Visit for more stories about the ongoing immigration crisis. Watch this Newsmax report about illegal aliens refusing to stay NYC shelter. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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