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White House threatens to SEND AMERICAN TROOPS TO UKRAINE if Congress doesn't approve more aid
By arseniotoledo // 2023-12-08
The administration of President Joe Biden is warning Congress that if it does not approve more aid for Ukraine, it would "very likely" lead to American troops fighting on the ground in Europe. Biden himself gave his sternest warning yet to Congressional Republicans who are balking at spending billions more in taxpayer dollars in military aid to Ukraine. The White House's proposal is for $106 billion in emergency foreign aid spending. The bulk of this – $61 billion – would be directed to Ukraine. (Related: Ukrainian frontlines are COLLAPSING, Russian forces ADVANCING on all fronts.) "Congress needs to pass supplemental funding for Ukraine before they break for the holiday. It's as simple as that," said Biden in remarks given at the White House Tribal Nations Summit on Wednesday, Dec. 6, in Washington, D.C. "Frankly, I think it's stunning we have gotten to this point in the first place. Republicans in Congress are willing to give Putin the greatest gift he could hope for and abandon our global leadership." "We can't let Putin win. If Putin takes Ukraine, he won't stop there," claimed Biden, who warned that the Russian president will continue to threaten and possibly invade other Eastern European nations, including members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which would trigger the security alliance's rule demanding that other NATO member nations come to their defense. "We'll have something that we don't seek and that we don't have today: American troops fighting Russian troops." Biden then went on to accuse Republicans of "playing chicken" with American national security and of holding Ukraine funding hostage to get "extreme partisan" policies passed. Biden has consistently claimed that he does not want to send American troops to fight on the ground in Eastern Europe. But if a NATO member is invaded, the U.S. would be legally obliged to help, leading to the first direct conflict between American and Russian soldiers in over a century. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin gave members of Congress a similar warning during a private briefing with lawmakers, claiming that a lack of American aid for Ukraine would "very likely" lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe. House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul, a Republican from Texas, reported that Austin claimed that after the conflict in Ukraine, he could go on to take over Moldova, a non-NATO member neighboring Romania, and Georgia in the South Caucasus. "And then the idea that we'll have to put troops on the ground, in Secretary Austin's word, was very likely," reported McCaul.

White House threats doing little to win over Republicans

Republicans in both the Senate and the House of Representatives are skeptical of providing more military aid to Ukraine, with some suggesting that the valuable taxpayer dollars could be better spent by directly protecting American national security interests. House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana is trying to get the White House to agree to redirect some of the emergency spending to "transformative changes" in border policy to get Republican hardliners on board with the plan. In a letter to the Office of Management and Budget, Johnson noted that Republicans remain unconvinced by the threats coming from the Biden administration and some would likely remain skeptical of sending more aid to Ukraine even if Biden compromised by agreeing to changes to border certain border policies. "Congress and the American people must be provided with answers to our repeated questions concerning: "The administration's strategy to prevail in Ukraine; clearly defined and obtainable objectives; transparency and accountability for U.S. taxpayer dollars invested there; and what specific resources are required to achieve victory and a sustainable peace," said Johnson in the letter. "I didn't get a sense that any minds were changed [by Austin]," said Rep. John Duarte of California. "[Austin] wasn't impressive or insightful in any way other than what you might see in the news. It was just a hopeful pressure effort." Duarte added that Biden needs to "start negotiating and quit screwing around with vacuous briefing that tell us things we already know." Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, who was also in the briefing with Austin, claimed that it was "boring." "These guys are just speechifying about most of the stuff you guys already report on the news," said Donalds in a statement to the Messenger. "Joe Biden needs to do his job – secure our border. You do that, then members of Congress will talk." Watch this clip from FoxBusiness reporting on the White House's call for Congress to approve billions more in taxpayer-funded aid for Ukraine. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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