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Parents' group warns: Hiding LEGAL NAMES of transgender students from nurses is DANGEROUS
By lauraharris // 2023-12-05
A group of parents has expressed alarm over the Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) in California concealing the legal names of transgender students with severe health issues from nurses. Through a public records request, the group dubbed as Irvine Unified Exposed found an email thread detailing discussions among IUSD employees. The staffers were debating whether or not school nurses and other health staff should have access to the Aeries computer program, which displays or conceals the legal names of transgender students. According to the Epoch Times, a 911 call for a child with a "gender support plan" in December 2022 triggered the debate. One group member who used the pseudonym "Sarah Park" warned that withholding this crucial information could lead to dire consequences, especially in emergency situations where quick access to the medical history of a student is important. "If nurses are not being given the student's real name and gender, how are they supposed to give medications or give the child's medical history to paramedics in an emergency? Some child is going to get seriously hurt or killed," Park argues. (Related: Leah Brooks urges parents to RESCUE their kids from “woke” indoctrination in schools.) "I was horrified to hear that the school nurse and other officials were not involved in this secretive plan," said another parent who chose to remain anonymous. "As a parent of a child with a life-threatening health condition, it scares me for my child and all students at [IUSD] who might not receive timely lifesaving care due to the chaos caused by this secrecy policy. Schools should not be hiding things," said another parent who chose to be anonymous." IUSD Public Information Office Annie Brown denied accusations that the school district is compromising student safety. "Nurses have access to see students' information," she said, adding that name changes in the system don't prevent staff from seeing medical information." Brown also mentioned that the email thread proves that IUSD is committed to "continually improve how [it serves] students" – especially after emergencies.

IUSD fails to address several gender-related issues

According to Irvine Unified Exposed, the school district hiding the legal names of transgender students is just the tip of the iceberg. A 2022 article published in the Northwood Howler recounted the observation of Maureen Muir, a mental health specialist who provides LGBTQ community support district-wide. She revealed that there had been an increase in students identifying as transgender or nonbinary during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, Muir only saw six transgender children. But soon after, this increased to more than 27. IUSD also reported 110 gender support plans at the end of the 2022-2023 school year, with 14 of them in elementary schools. Tiffany Craft, another parent in the group, accused IUSD of pushing "gender affirmation" as the only way to deal with gender dysphoria without considering other health conditions or even parental involvement. "Parents are largely being kept out of any discussion or conversation about this," she said. "So, the parent is not told before the student sits down with the counselor and starts having these conversations. The parent, if they're brought in at all, is always brought in after the fact" Visit for more news about transgenderism in public schools. Watch Leah Brooks encourage parents to pull out their children from public schools parroting LGBT ideology below. This video is from the Counter Culture Mom channel on

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