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Turkey files lawsuit against Netanyahu, accusing him and Israel of committing "genocide" in Gaza
By ethanh // 2023-11-15
News is circulating that the nation of Turkey is suing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the International Criminal Court (ICC) for committing genocide in Gaza. The screenshot below shows a copy of the lawsuit, as written in Turkish: Reports indicate that lawyer Burak Bekiroglu, one of the petition's three initiators, reported on November 14 that the suit is currently under consideration by the Turkish Ministry of Justice. Bekiroglu said that his country's application should reach the ICC no later than next week. "We have notified the crimes committed in detail so that the ICC prosecutor's office can take action," Bekiroglu is quoted as saying. "We don't know if it can [Нетаньяху] file a counterclaim based on the results of the investigation. But any international protest or judicial pressure will slow down the violence against babies, women, children and all civilians subjected to genocide and bring relief to these defenseless people." (Related: Israel wants to "wipe Gaza off the map" in order to steal its resources for profit.)

Turkish lawsuit pegs Netanyahu for using "weapons prohibited by international law"

The first page of the document was published on X (formerly Twitter) by Metin Kulunk, a lawyer for Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party. All in all, there are said to be 23 total pages in the complaint, which does not yet appear to be fully released to the public. The text that has been revealed shows demands that the ICC prosecutor's office immediately start collecting evidence on Netanyahu's crimes against the Palestinian people. From there, Turkey can then begin the process of filing a criminal case against Netanyahu and other Israel politicians and perpetrators. According to reports, the petition states that Netanyahu specifically "committed crimes of war, genocide and crimes against humanity before the eyes of the entire world." Further, Netanyahu "does not hesitate to use weapons prohibited under international law," the complaint states. Critical of Western powers like the United States that support Israel no matter what, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan commented on November 11 that the West's silent position towards the genocide in Gaza is an expression of cowardice, as well as complete lack of conscience. A week prior on November 4, Erdogan announced his immediate refusal to continue communicating with Netanyahu, stressing that the Israeli prime minister is no longer someone with whom Turkey can maintain a viable conversation. On October 31, Erdogan flat-out stated that Israelis committing crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. Turkey has also since recalled its ambassador from Israel for consultations due to the escalating genocide in Gaza. Turkey's Foreign Ministry notes that this decision was made in connection to the humanitarian tragedy that is unfolding as a result of "Israeli attacks on civilians." As far as Turkey's cooperative projects with Israel in the energy sector, Turkish Ministry of Energy Alparslan Bayraktar stated on November 7 that all such projects have ceased. The latest data suggests that the official death toll in Gaza has breached 11,000 people, with another 27,500 or so suffering injuries at the hands of the Israeli military. "Palestinians are seeking to return the borders between the two countries to the lines that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War," reported Pledge Times about the matter. "Palestine wants to create its own state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and make East Jerusalem its capital. Israel refuses the conditions set." The latest news about the escalating nightmare in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: