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Breitbart's Alex Marlow: Biden favoring OPEN BORDERS to keep wages down and Democrats in power
By ramontomeydw // 2023-10-20
President Joe Biden is espousing open borders to lower wages and keep Democrats in power, according to Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Alex Marlow. Marlow, who is also the author of the new book titled "Breaking Biden," explained this in an Oct. 17 interview with YouTuber Stephen Gardner. "Much of Washington likes an open border, and Biden is the ultimate Washington establishment creature," he said. "There is no human being on Earth who's had more opportunity to close the border, or at least secure the border, than Biden. Over 30 years in the Senate, eight years as vice president and now three years as president. He's had the ability more than any other person to take this issue seriously, and he hasn't – so clearly it's intentional." (Related: Lara Logan: Biden's open borders policies part of plan to empower global government.) Marlow then outlined two reasons why Biden favors open borders. First, open borders benefit Big Business – which is mostly an arm of the Democratic Party nowadays with some Republicans aligning with it. The unchecked entry of illegal immigrants "creates a big consumer base, and it drives down wages for working-class people." "The more immigration we have, the less they have to pay their workers. That makes their stock go up, [and] their expenses go down. Big Business loves an open border, [and] Big Business loves Biden." Second, open borders benefit the Democratic Party, which needs a new voter base to replace former voters who become older and vote Republican. "Republican millennials have some children, [while] Democrat millennials don't want to have kids as much," he told Gardner. "They're not interested in replacing their voters with new people that they can raise up." "They have to figure out a way to get their voters, so they import them. Even though the illegal aliens aren't supposed to vote, they now vote in local elections. Their kids will vote, and they will vote typically for Democrats for a number of reasons – [such as] the handouts [given by] the Big Government nanny state." Marlow ultimately remarked that the Democrats "need the border open – and it doesn't matter what humanitarian strife happens" or "if wages get driven down."

Biden DOESN'T CARE about national security

The Breitbart editor-in-chief also noted that Biden's refusal to take border security seriously is concerning, given the increased activation of radical Islamic terrorists following the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel. Terrorists could blend in with unlawful border crossers and commit violence once they reach the mainland United States. "We are not going to have a secure border so long as Biden is in power," Marlow remarked. "He doesn't care about national security and he never has." In a separate Breitbart article dated Oct. 14, Marlow expounded on Biden's anathema approach to national security. "National security is Joe Biden’s oldest and biggest blind spot," he wrote. "Example after example illustrates a simple truth: Joe Biden has no interest in – or vision for – protecting the citizens of our country." For Biden's international blunders, the Breitbart editor-in-chief cited his disastrous pullout of U.S. in Afghanistan and funding of Iran while vice president. This eventually went full circle with Hamas, which received funding from Iran and pledges of support from the Taliban. Biden's domestic blunder at the southern border only got addressed after he spent 50 years in politics. He only began taking action on illegal immigration "after state and local Democrats spoke up following Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's highly effective busing campaign." Marlow even quoted former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who minced no words about the incumbent president in 2014. "[Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades," said Gates, who served in the position during the second Bush and Obama administrations. Watch Alex Newman, host of "The Sentinel Report" on Brighteon.TV, explain how the Biden administration serves as a travel agent for illegal aliens. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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