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Macron visits school where French teacher was killed in KNIFE attack by "radical Islamist" on Global Day of Jihad
By ethanh // 2023-10-15
France seems to be ground zero for the Global Day of Jihad after it was reported that a "radical Islamist" wielding a knife killed a teacher, prompting a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to the site of the incident. According to reports, the attack occurred at the Gambetta Secondary School in Arras near the Belgian border. The teacher died and two others were injured there at the hands of someone who allegedly screamed "Allahu Akbar" before plunging the knife into his victims. The incident prompted Macron to declare that "at least one another intervention may have made it possible to thwart another attempted attack in another region," according to the French newspaper Le Figaro, referring to an arrest that was made near Paris. The same media outlet says the man left a "prayer room" in the town of Limay, just northwest of Paris, while carrying a kitchen knife. He was arrested near Condorcet High School. In that incident, it is not known why the man was carrying a kitchen knife because he was arrested before the situation had the chance to possibly become "radicalized." (Related: Israeli Rabbi to Christians: "You shouldn't be worshipping one Jew, you should be worshipping all of us.")

U.S. Sec. of State Antony Blinken, who is Jewish, says Hamas attack on Israel "is the equivalent of ten 9/11s"

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is Jewish himself, called the Hamas attack against Israel that ignited all this "the equivalent of ten 9/11s," even though far fewer people died. "With regard to 9/11, if you look at this with regard to the size of Israel's population, this is the equivalent of ten 9/11s," Blinken said at a press conference in Israel on Thursday. "That's how big and how devastating this attack has been." Jonathan Greenblatt from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said much the same, suggesting that Israel was hit worse than Americans were on 9/11, but that the incident is more comparable to Nagasaki being nuked by the U.S. during World War II. "Hamas' attack at the time had killed around 700 (now the death toll is estimated at around 1,200), whereas nearly 3,000 were killed on 9/11 and some 60,000-80,000 people were killed from the bombing of Nagasaki," writes Chris Menahan of Information Liberation about these statements. "This analogy only works if you believe that Jewish lives are more valuable than non-Jewish lives." Before comparing the incident to ten 9/11s, Blinken compared the Hamas attack to the Holocaust in a statement pushing for war, also mentioning and blaming Russia, of course – watch below: "One could just as easily say that Israel's relentless bombing campaign on Gaza (which has killed around 1,500 people out of a population of 2 million) is 'the equivalent of fifty 9/11s,'" Menahan further writes. "Of course, no one in our government is making such comparisons and they would laugh at you if you did." As usual, all this talk about 9/11 and the Holocaust is a desperate attempt to rally support for Israel's war against pretty much all of its neighbors, beginning with Gaza. "The ridiculous lies that 'Hamas beheaded 40 babies,' 'Hamas committed mass rape,' 'Hamas is ISIS,' 'Hamas did another Holocaust' and 'Hamas did ten 9/11s' are pure atrocity propaganda to provide Israel with cover to commit genocide in Gaza." The latest news about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be found at Sources for this article include: