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Student groups call for the targeting of Israeli CIVILIANS in pro-Palestine "Day of Resistance" protests
By ethanh // 2023-10-13
Now that the stage has been set for full-scale war in the Middle East with the recent provocation of Israel by Hamas, many pro-Palestinian groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) are planning protests against what they say is an Israeli occupation of Palestine. SJP announced a "National Day of Resistance" on Thursday called "Protest for Palestine" that calls for mobilization in support of the Palestinian resistance. In case you missed it, the most far-right of pro-Israel groups and individuals, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself, are now calling for the complete eradication of everyone living in the Gaza Strip, which is home to about 2.1 million Palestinians, a few thousand of which are Christians. SJP unveiled a "toolkit" distributed among its members that calls for "dismantling Zionism," a religious system whereby those who identify as Jews believe they should be able to recreate their own nation of Israel atop what is widely considered to be the Holy Land. Because pro-Palestinian groups like SJP believe that these Jewish "settlers" do not even belong there, having been eradicated by God Himself from the land for thousands of years before Israel as a political nation was reestablished in 1948, they are calling for all Israelis, including civilians, to be forced back out of the land. (Related: The Wall Street Journal wants us all to believe that Iran is behind the recent Hamas attack, all so Israel can have justification to wage full-scale regional war against its neighboring enemies.)

Whichever "side" you're on, just remember that there are real human beings on both sides who just want to live in peace

Just like the pro-Israel crowd is doing by refusing to differentiate between members of the Hamas terrorist group and the rest of the innocent Palestinian people who have no affiliation with it, SJP in its toolkit does not distinguish between an Israeli "settler" living in disputed territories such as the West Bank, and Israelis living in the rest of the land called Israel, which SJP calls a "violent settler state." A poster for the SJP Day of Resistance depicts a paraglider descending on a mass of people, which seems to imply that the group supports the Hamas tactic of dropping in on a parachute and committing violent acts of terrorism. According to the same SJP toolkit, Hamas terrorism is "natural and justified" as a response to Israeli policy. "This action of resistance shatters the illusion of Israel as an impenetrable, indestructible entity," SJP maintains. "Settlers are already fleeing the land, their 'dedication' to the settler colony is easily broken." According to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), SJP is not a "grassroots" student organization like it claims to be. It is "a terror-affiliated anti-Semitic network that currently operates with autonomy and impunity at colleges and universities across the United States," JCPA claims. "Principal backers of SJP include founders, financial patrons and ideological supporters who have been connected to Islamist terror organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)." As is often the case in war, the escalating Israeli-Palestinian one being no exception, the same people fund both sides as part of an ulterior divide-and-conquer tactic. There really is a conflict here, but just remember that those funding the "support Israel" side could also be funding the "resist Israel" side to maximize the conflict for sinister, self-serving reasons at our collective expense. "Remember that God said to pray for the peace of Jerusalem ... no mention of Israel," one of our own commenters wrote. "One day the innocent will be watching as all murderers and liars are cast forever into the lake of fire," wrote another. The latest news about the ever-degrading state of affairs in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: