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Anti-war Code Pink group calls Israel an occupying force – "U.S.-backed Israeli apartheid regime inflicts daily settler violence and terror on Palestinians"
By ethanh // 2023-10-16
Code Pink, an anti-war group that was formed back in 2002 to oppose the United States invasion and "liberation" of Iraq, is stirring the pot on social media with condemnations not of Hamas but of Israel, which it calls an "apartheid regime." Much to the chagrin of the pro-Israel lobby, Code Pink says that Israel "inflicts daily settler violence and terror on Palestinians," referring to those who live in the Gaza Strip. "Israel is an occupying force," Code Pink further alleges. "Palestinians have every right to resist it." As a little background, Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans raised funds for Barack Hussein Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. In her own tweet, Evans retweeted the Code Pink message along with her own comment about "freeing Palestine." She also tweeted the following on Sunday: "Tell President Biden: Occupation is Indefensible. Stop Supporting Israeli Apartheid! Stop fueling violence, oppression and war in the middle east." Fellow Code Pink co-founder Susan "Medea" Benjamin joined in on the chorus by also tweeting that the Israeli government "can't keep two million trapped in an open air prison in Gaza and not expect resistance." (Related: You know what else there is a war on? The truth.)

Democrat Socialists of America holds pro-Palestine rally in Times Square

To show their support for Hamas, the Democrat Socialists of America group promoted a rally that was held on Monday in Times Square, New York City. "In solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to resist 75 years of occupation and apartheid," the group wrote. "FREE PALESTINE!" The Party for Socialism and Liberalism also joined in by posting an entire statement in support of Hamas: "Resistance to apartheid and fascist-type oppression is not a crime! It is the inevitable outcome for all people who demand self-determination rather than living with the boot-heel of the oppressors on their necks." As for the atrocities we are being told Hamas committed against innocent Israelis, the Party for Socialism and Liberalism called it "a bold counter-offensive" that "does not constitute terrorism." It turns out that there were dozens of pro-Hamas rallies held both on Sunday and Monday in cities including San Francisco, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Austin and Minneapolis. A couple of them, we are told, will actually target Israeli consulates. In Mississauga, Ontario, a group of Palestinians was seen showing their support for Hamas as part of a car caravan – watch below: Even some who are normally pro-Israel are asking questions about the "surprise attack," especially considering Israel is supposedly the most safe and secure state in the entire world. "A surprise attack while Mossad and CIA's 'Team Epstein' were, what, sleeping?" one commenter at The Gateway Pundit asked in skepticism. "It's almost as if Israel's Benny let it happen," suggested another, referring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "Israel has soldiers posted all along the wall surrounding Gaza stopping Palestinians for their papers, and they let thousands surge into the interior, and even bulldoze the fence? What the hell is going on? To this, another suggested that the bomb-equipped drones Hamas sent over were entirely new, and something Israel was not expecting that outsmarted their guards and "Iron Dome." "They've never used anything like this before," this person suggested, giving Israel's version of events the benefit of the doubt. "After they knocked out the lookout towers, they blew holes in the fence and let their guys [pour] through." The latest news about the ongoing crisis in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: