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Co-head of German populist AfD Party hospitalized after being attacked with a SYRINGE at a campaign event
By zoeysky // 2023-10-11
Tino Chrupalla, the co-head of the anti-globalist group Alternative for Germany (AfD), was allegedly assaulted with a syringe and taken to an intensive care unit (ICU). Reports revealed that on Oct. 4, Chrupalla was attacked at an AfD campaign event in Ingolstadt and eventually taken to a hospital. Boris Reitschuster, a German journalist who talked to eyewitnesses and members of the AfD after the incident, reported that Chrupalla was attacked by two men who said they wanted to take a photo with him. The men then allegedly injected an unknown substance into the politician’s arm using a syringe , which resulted in an anaphylactic shock. Chrupalla was given medical treatment backstage at about 4:30 p.m. and was then rushed to the hospital. No "obvious injury" was apparent at the time. AfD reported that the incident took place in a crowd shortly before Chrupalla was due to speak. According to eyewitnesses, police temporarily arrested the two suspects and frisked them. However, they were eventually released. Police are investigating to determine "the precise circumstances of this medical incident." The police also released a statement that urged those who took photos and videos at the event to submit them to the police. Gerald Grosz, an Austrian publicist and former politician who was invited to speak at the event, told Junge Freiheit, a German newspaper, that Chrupalla was assaulted by two men and had pointed at them when he suddenly fell ill. Grosz also confirmed that a syringe was recovered at the venue. On Oct. 5, Junge Freiheit reported that Chrupalla is currently in the ICU of a hospital in Ingolstadt and that his body was indeed pricked. On Oct. 6, the German newspaper allegedly obtained documents from the clinic in Ingolstadt that show Chrupalla was diagnosed with a heart disorder after a "needle prick" with an unknown substance. Chrupalla, 48, has been one of the AfD's two leaders since 2019. The other co-leader is Alice Weidel. AfD was founded in 2013 and it initially focused on Eurozone rescue packages. The party gained strength after the arrival of a large number of refugees and migrants in 2015. It first entered the Bundestag, Germany’s national parliament in 2017. Recent national polls placed AfD in second place with support around the 20 percent mark, far above the 10.3 percent it won during the last federal election in 2021. The party has been helped by the re-emergence of migration as a leading political issue and by frustration with the government’s climate and energy policies, along with high inflation.

Other serious attacks on AfD reported within recent weeks

Aside from the syringe attack on him, Chrupalla was also recently de-banked by a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank. He isn't the only victim of assault, however, as other AfD politicians have experienced various attacks within the last few weeks. Weidel was recently evacuated from her home together with her family by police forces due to a serious threat of assault against the AfD co-head. Several weeks ago, Andreas Jurca, a member of the city council of Augsburg and another AfD politician, was beaten and rushed to the hospital after an assault allegedly committed by migrants who recognized the politician. In August, a man pretended to take a photo with Beatrix von Storch, a Catholic AfD politician. The man then smeared feces on von Storch. The recent, potentially life-threatening assault on AfD politician Chrupalla follows a tense political climate wherein leftist politicians are calling for a ban on the AfD as the populist party is steadily surging in the polls. Even German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier seemed to threaten supporters of the AfD in a recent keynote address. According to Steinmeier, no responsible voter "can plead for mitigating circumstances when he visibly strengthens political forces that contribute to the brutalization of our society and the erosion of liberal democracy." (Related: Ecuador declares 60-day state of emergency following ASSASSINATION of presidential candidate.) Max Otte, an economist and former presidential candidate for the AfD, warned that the recent assaults on AfD politicians show that Germany has become a "totalitarian system." Meanwhile, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a Catholic political commentator from the Netherlands, also talked about "assassination attempts on German right-wing politicians." Vlaardingerbroek said that while the incidents are "extremely shocking," she isn't surprised. She added that these are all the "result of the extremely hostile narrative that is created by the media and the establishment surrounding [right-wing] politicians and dissidents." Vlaardingerbroek warned that the assassination attempts are "a clear declaration of war against the European right." The Dutch political commentator added that this is just the beginning and that the culprits behind the attacks "will use any means possible – including violence and death – in order to silence our voices." Go to for more reports about similar alarming incidents in America and around the world. Watch the video below for more information about RFK Jr.'s thwarted assassination attempt. This video is from the Puretrauma357 channel on

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