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Study reveals that 71% of Americans DON'T TRUST the U.S. government to save them in DOOMSDAY scenarios
By lauraharris // 2023-10-16
A new poll conducted by has revealed that 71 percent of Americans are rapidly losing faith in the ability of the U.S. government to save them from potential doomsday scenarios. The study, which surveyed 6,200 Americans, found the majority of Americans believe that doomsday will happen in 2024. The researchers discovered that the top five states with the least amount of trust in the government are as follows – Arizona (82 percent), Kansas (78 percent), Alabama (78 percent), Pennsylvania (77 percent) and Oregon (76 percent). Moreover, a total of 55.8 percent of respondents think that a climate change-related catastrophe is the most likely form of global catastrophe, while a third believe that another virus could sweep the globe and 25 percent fear the onset of World War III. Meanwhile, seven percent are betting on an alien invasion, while another seven percent anticipate a zombie apocalypse in 2024. The study also revealed that 43 percent of Americans have stockpiled supplies in preparation for doomsday. So, the poll delved into their motivation to prepare for the potential end of the world. Surprisingly, over 16 percent cited social media and the content they consume on these platforms. Meanwhile, one in 10 respondents claimed that watching the news led them to start doomsday prepping, while 7.7 percent credited their family and 4.6 percent cited specific movies. Meanwhile, a blog published by the End of the American Dream in November 2022 revealed that preppers in America increased from two to three percent to approximately 10 percent after the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. (Related: US sees rapid growth in number of preppers, around 15 million Americans now actively prepping.) John Ramey, a prominent prepper, has estimated that around 15 million Americans are actively engaged in preparing for the worst. "Broadly speaking, more and more people [are] realizing that they are their own first responder," Ramey said.

Doomsday Clock ticks 90 seconds to midnight amid Ukraine crisis, growing global threats

But looking at things more deeply, the Americans who have begun prepping have good reasons to do so. The Doomsday Clock serves as a metaphorical measure of humanity's vulnerability to cataclysmic events such as nuclear war, climate change, pandemics or asteroid impacts. It was established in 1974 by the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, including Albert Einstein. The closer its hands are to midnight, the closer humans are presumed to be to a doomsday scenario. Based on its latest adjustment, which usually happens annually in January, humanity is now just 90 seconds away from midnight. The clock, moving forward by 10 seconds, is the closest humans have ever been to nuclear annihilation. This ominous shift is due to the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine. The organization had already raised alarms in January 2022 when the clock stood at 100 seconds to midnight, but the situation in Ukraine has deteriorated. "Finding a path to serious peace negotiations could go a long way toward reducing the risk of escalation. In this time of unprecedented global danger, concerted action is required and every second counts," the scientists stated. Read more news related to doomsday scenarios at Watch this segment from the "Worldview Report" that talks about the Doomsday Clock moving closer to Armageddon. This video is from the Worldview Report channel on

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