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The next phase of the globalist takeover requires surrender to a new CASHLESS society, complete with digital passes and IDs to engage in commerce
By ethanh // 2023-09-27
As the global financial system Ponzi scheme teeters on the edge of a collapse, the globalists are chomping at the bit to force everyone into a new cashless paradigm where paper and coin money are no longer available. The United Kingdom is leading the way in a race to the bottom with plans to shutter up to 1,000 railway ticket offices across the country. This will force travelers to buy their tickets online and show a digital pass on either their smartphone or tablet in order to board. Up until now, Brits had the freedom to either buy train tickets online digitally or purchase them in-person at a ticket kiosk with cash. Soon, the only way to travel in the UK will be through digital purchases made in a cashless system. The same types of changes are occurring at major sporting events like the Rugby World Cup, fanatics of which can likewise now only buy their tickets online – meaning no more cash or paper ticketing allowed. (Related: Last year, dozens of Whole Foods Market stores in California launched their own cashless payment portals where all shoppers need to do is wave a palm over the machine reader to pay for groceries.)

Finnish citizens who travel to UK must now show digital passport as ID check at border

In order to travel internationally, some countries in agreement with UK officials are now requiring their citizens to show a digital passport at the border in order to enter. Finnish citizens, for instance, must show a digital passport as an identification check upon entering the UK, or else be turned away and sent home. "We are surrendering to a cashless society that requires digital identities and passes which self-appointed global 'elites' will use to control every aspect of our lives," warns The Exposé about where this is all headed. As with all technology, though, the risk of a major system failure is also ever-present. Take the recent systemwide Square point-of-sale (POS) outage, which left merchants everywhere who rely on the platform with no way to charge and accept payments from their customers. The same thing recently happened at a rugby match between England and Argentina when thousands of fans were held up and blocked from entering because of a problem with the new digital pass verification system now in place at unmanned entry turnstiles. "One has to wonder whether electronic turnstiles were part of the problem as ticket holders resorted to jumping over the turnstile gates," The Exposé notes about that fiasco. Some Brits are so upset about this ongoing transition, especially when it interferes with their sports-watching obsession, that they are petitioning for there to be actual human beings at turnstiles and ticketing offices to ensure the digital process of entry goes as smoothly as it can. Soon, it will also probably be a requirement that all employees get paid digitally in the same format. Those employees who veer too much from the established order can then be easily punished by the "elite" for disobeying by having their paychecks blocked, potentially. This is the essence of the New World Order, by the way: to turn the entire world into a tightly managed cattle farm for the "elites" to control as they see fit. After all, the non-elite are just cattle to them, and part of keeping the masses better "herded" involves digitally marking them and taking away all their cash and freedom. One major plank of the coming New World Order is the abolition of paper and coin money followed by the mass implementation of the Mark of the Beast to take its place. Learn more at Sources for this article include: