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Biden signs executive order establishing "American Climate Corps" to fight "global warming"
By ethanh // 2023-09-21
America's fake president, Joe Biden, has just signed a new executive order to establish a climate brownshirts operation, the job of which will be to fight "global warming." Known as the "American Climate Corps," Biden, also known within his crime family and in money laundering circles as "the big guy," is ordering billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to be spent on training more than 20,000 Americans, which the initiative calls "a new, diverse generation," to fight so-called "climate change." These "woke" eco-warriors will be tasked with focusing on efforts like conservation, "clean" energy, and "environmental justice" projects. We expect them to dress up in bright-colored clothing and block traffic, too, just like the "Just Stop Oil" cult is doing all over England. Once members of the American Climate Corps complete their service to Biden and the gods of climate change and global warming, they will then be funneled into new jobs in both the public and private sectors. "The American Climate Corps is a new initiative that will ... work on a wide range of projects that tackle climate change – including restoring coastal wetlands to protect communities from storm surges and flooding, deploying clean energy, managing forests to improve health and prevent catastrophic wildfires, implementing energy efficient solutions to cut energy bills for hardworking families, and more," the White House said in a statement about the new initiative. "All American Climate Corps programs will be paid experiences that adhere to a common set of programmatic standards, and provide pathways to high-quality employment opportunities in the public and private sectors." (Related: Some suspect that if Biden's handlers and puppet masters do not get their way, they could order "the big guy" to declare a "climate emergency" and seize dictatorial powers over America.)

Climate change is the new leftist religion, alongside LGBT transgenderism

One need not have any prior experience in fighting global warming to join the American Climate Corps, the White House further revealed. All you have to do is tout global warming dogma and agree to obey orders and, voila: you, too, can be a woke eco-warrior against climate change. Five states, the White House further announced, are also developing their own micro, state-level climate corps to perform similar work. These states include Arizona, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah. These state-level climate corps will work alongside Biden's federal one with the aim of "implementing collaborators to ensure young people across the country are serving their communities while participating in paid opportunities and working on projects to tackle climate change." Joining the White House to make the announcement about the new American Climate Corps was Sunrise Movement Executive Director Varshini Prakash, who praised the regime for its commitment to spending more U.S. tax dollars fighting global warming. "Today’s historic action to put an American Climate Corps into motion is a clear demonstration that the Biden administration knows there are more ways they can leverage executive power to lead an all-out mobilization of our government and society to stop the climate crisis," Prakash said. "Young people everywhere should feel empowered by this victory and continue demanding the change we need. We're often asked how President [sic] Biden can win the support and enthusiasm of young people. He's gotten our attention. Keep going." Prakash's announcement came just days after the Sunrise Movement led a coalition letter of more than 50 environmental activist groups that are also committed to making much ado about nothing concerning the fiction known as man-made climate change. There is no climate emergency, no matter how many times Biden tells you there is while reading from a script or teleprompter. Learn more at Sources for this article include: