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RFK Jr. says Democrat Party has already "rigged" nomination for Biden by EXCLUDING everyone else
By ethanh // 2023-09-08
Even though he is arguably the best candidate running, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a tough battle ahead for the White House, especially since the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has already "rigged" the 2024 election for Joe Biden. Rigged is the exact word RFK Jr. himself used in a recent interview with The Liberty Daily in which he fleshed out the fact that the Democrat Party has already chosen its candidate, and that candidate is Biden. "It's pretty clear that the DNC does not want a primary," RFK Jr. explained. "You know, I don't want to say they want a coronation, but I think that's a fair way to put it actually." "They're fixing the process to make it almost impossible to have democracy function. They're effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice in who becomes president, in who becomes the Democratic nominee." (Related: If elected president in 2024, RFK Jr. has promised to "end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power.")

RFK Jr. would have to win 80% of states in order to beat Biden, based on corrupt rules

When asked what the DNC has done to rig the election, RFK Jr. revealed that the Iowa primary has been moved and the rules have been changed in such a way as to disenfranchise all other candidates besides Biden from standing a chance at winning. "Two of the things today is they've moved the Iowa primary, they've made rules that if anybody campaigns in Iowa or sets foot, any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or steps foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied," RFK Jr. said. "In other words, any delegate that I win in Iowa or New Hampshire would go instead to the president. And now they're trying to change it that if I campaign in New Hampshire that none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count, and that's significant because it's hard to win the nomination without Georgia." Based on the distribution protocol for superdelegates and automatic delegates, which will basically just go to Biden by default, RFK Jr. would have to win 80 percent of all the states in order to beat him – even if Biden himself only wins 20 or 25 percent. "These rules will not be finalized until September 14 and we've written [to] the DNC protesting," RFK Jr. said about what his campaign is doing to try to stop this miscarriage of democracy from winning in the end. "There are some really wild things they are now considering including forcing me to actually pay for the primaries, and their logic is that they don't need a primary because they already have a candidate, and therefore I'm costing them all of this money and that money should be paid for by me and maybe Marianne Williamson." RFK Jr. knows that the 2024 election is unlikely to ever be 100 percent fair no matter what he and his campaign do. Still, he wants there to at least be a chance that someone else other than "their chosen, anointed candidate" can win. "It's a process that is rigged," RFK Jr. added. "We live at a time in American history when a lot of Americans think that democracy is broken, that the system, the political system, is rigged, and that there's not really any democracy. And unfortunately, the DNC is taking a lot of steps that confirm that outlook." "If the DNC is going to make it, is going to rig it so it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden, then I need to look at other alternatives because I can't go back to the people supporting me and to my donors and say, you know, I'm in this to make a point – I need to show them a road to victory." The latest news about RFK Jr.'s run for the presidency in 2024 can be found at Sources for this article include: