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EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Unearthed emails show Hunter Biden helped coordinate takedown of ex-Ukrainian Prosecutor Shokin
By bellecarter // 2023-09-01
Recently revealed emails exposed presidential son Hunter Biden for helping coordinate a plan with Democrat strategists to 'close down any cases' against the owner of allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma. The said correspondences gathered by independent investigative news outlet the DailyMail from Hunter's "laptop from Hell" strengthened claims of ex-Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin that the First Son and then-Vice President Joe Biden conspired to abort the latter's criminal investigation of Burisma. Hunter served on the energy company's board from April 2014 until he left the position in 2019. A copy of an unclassified Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) record indicated that a confidential human source (CHS) was told that the younger Biden held a position on the board of directors so he would "protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems." Burisma allegedly did not "trust Hunter was that smart." Burisma founder and Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky assured the CHS, when he raised his doubts, that "Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad." On May 12, 2014, the day before Hunter's $1 million-per-year appointment to Burisma's board was publicly announced, executive Vadym Pozharskyi emailed the then-VP's son from his personal Gmail account, warning that Zlochevsky was likely under criminal investigation in Ukraine. As reported, Hunter enlisted the help of his then-law firm, Boies, Schiller, & Flexner, to deal with the investigation and suggested using an investigative agency – Nardello & Co. – to do some digging. "It would be helpful to gain intelligence on who is leading the restructuring of the individuals being considered for those posts," he wrote. "Agreed – that is part of what their human intel sources are seeking to learn," replied Heather King, a Boies partner. When Shokin was deep into the probe in 2015, Hunter connected Burisma with Blue Star Strategies, a consulting firm run by former members of the Clinton administration. Pozharskyi wrote on Nov. 2, 2015, that the "ultimate purpose" of the effort was "to close down any cases/pursuits against Zlochevsky in Ukraine." An email to the younger Biden from a business partner proved that was part of the deal. "I would tell Vadym that this is definitely done deliberately to be on the safe and cautious side and that Sally [Painter, Blue Star COO] and company understand the scope and deliverables," Eric Schwerin wrote to Hunter. "If you and Devon [Archer, a  fellow board member] feel comfortable that they will deliver what in real terms we are talking about, we should disregard the wording of the scope and move further with signing and starting actual work," Pozharsky concurred. Archer told a House committee that he believed Hunter Biden enlisted his father's help in late 2015. "I think they were getting pressure and they requested Hunter help them with some of that pressure," he said. "The request was like, 'Can DC help?' weren't specific, you know, 'Can the Big Guy help?' It was always this amorphous, 'Can we get help in DC?'" he said.

Biden bullies Ukrainian government to fire Shokin

During a tell-all interview with Fox News, Shokin confirmed he was fired at Joe Biden's insistence because of his investigation into Burisma. "I have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that [ex-Ukrainian President Petro] Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of Biden because I was investigating Burisma," he said. "[Poroshenko] understood and so did Biden that had I continued to oversee the investigation, we would have found the facts about the corrupt activities that they were engaging in. That included both Hunter and Archer and others." (Related: Ukrainian prosecutor confirms being fired while investigating Burisma due to Biden's influence and pressure on then-Ukraine president.) In 2018, Biden publicly boasted he caused Shokin's removal. During a Council on Foreign Relations panel, the president said he threatened to withhold the one billion Congressionally approved assistance from Ukraine if the then-Ukrainian president would not fire the prosecutor. "I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time." The White House has been disputing the claim that the younger Biden influenced his father into using his position to convince the then-Ukrainnian president to fire the once-known "top prosecutor of Ukraine." In a statement to the media outlet, it pointed to indications that Shokin was fired because he had been too soft on corruption. Meanwhile, Archer met with then-Secretary of State John Kerry just weeks before Shokin was fired, according to a bombshell report. A meeting between Kerry and Archer was confirmed via a redacted State Department email dated March 2, 2016, which stated, "'Devon Archer coming to see S today at 3:00 pm – need someone to meet/greet him at C Street,'" Although the identity of "S" was initially obscured, Fox News has confirmed that it refers to Kerry. During this time, then-Vice President Biden had just returned from Ukraine to urge Kyiv to dismiss Shokin. has more stories related to Joe Biden and his family's international illegal business dealings.

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