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Liberty Mutual insurance partners with same company Best Buy used to discriminate against hiring White people
By ethanh // 2023-08-23
Insurance giant Liberty Mutual is joining the anti-White club with the launch of a new company development program aimed at hiring more non-Whites to management and other high-level positions. An email recently sent out by Liberty Mutual to the company's employees explains that McKinsey & Company, the same consulting firm that Best Buy chose to launch the very same anti-White program, will be leading the endeavor. "In 2020, McKinsey & Company, as part of their 10 actions to support racial justice and equity, launched their Black Leadership Academy, which they have since expanded to the Connected Leaders Academy (CLA) including the Asian and Hispanic and Latino Leadership Academies," the email reads. "Through CLA, McKinsey is helping corporate partners like Liberty Mutual diversify talent pipelines, accelerate careers and increase representation via research-based capability building."

To qualify as non-White, all one has to do is "identify" as Brown or Black

In 2023, McKinsey launched a Leadership Essential Program lasting three months. It involves "experts" conducting virtual workshops and facilitating small group discussions about how to draw and train more non-White people to join corporate management. McKinsey's partners, including both Best Buy and Liberty Mutual, hope to get rid of their White employees and replace them with non-white employees, which is a direct violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides "equal protection under the laws" for all people, including those with fair skin. In order to qualify for Liberty Mutual's Leadership Essentials Program, a person must:
  • Be based out of the U.S. and be a "grade 12-15 individual contributor"
  • Identify as Asian, Black or Hispanic / Latinx
  • Have spent at least two years in an existing work role with a rating of seven or higher in the current and prior year
Note that all one has to do to qualify under the second bullet point is to identify as Asian, Black, or Hispanic / Latinx. One must not actually be one of these things in order to qualify. In an age where all a man has to do to become a "woman" is to identify as one, it is apparently open game to also identify as whichever race you want that will afford you the most benefits and special treatment in modern American society. It might be a bit of a chore to convince your superior that you identify as something other than White if you actually have light skin, though, as Liberty Mutual and McKinsey's qualification criteria require that a person be recommended by his or her manager for the Leadership Essentials Program. Liberty Mutual, Best Buy and all the rest of the corporate entities out there that are going "woke" have apparently not learned from the fate of other companies that previously went down the path of wokeism, only to then go broke. "Looks like I'm going to be calling Jake from State Farm," one commenter joked about how Liberty Mutual is about to lose a whole lot of customers once they learn what the company is doing to discriminate against and exclude white people within its corporate hierarchy. "Liberty Mutual might be the next giant to fall, same as Best Buy," wrote another. "As someone who knows what it's like to be discriminated against, this is infuriating and shameful," said someone else. "Bankrupt them!" A lawyer added to the conversation that he spent years fighting Liberty Mutual when they tried to "screw over" his injured clients. "Representing their employees against them may be even more satisfying," he added in response to this latest news. The latest stores about corporate America's hatred for White people can be found at Sources for this article include: