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D.C. judge overseeing Trump's J6 trial worked for law firm that represented Russia hoax's Fusion GPS
By bellecarter // 2023-08-18
United States District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who has been tagged as one of Washington D.C.'s "toughest punishers of J6 protesters," is overseeing the case accusing former President Trump of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss in the two months leading up to the "assault" on the U.S. Capitol by his loyal supporters. The 61-year-old federal judge, who was ex-President Barack Obama's appointee, also worked at Boies Schiller Flexner (BSF). BSF is the same company that represented Fusion GPS, the establishment that helped orchestrate the Russia collusion hoax that targeted the former president. During Chutkan's stint at BSF, the Democrat-friendly law firm also reportedly represented Huma Abedin – the former wife of disgraced former New York's 9th District Representative Anthony Weiner – in the Hillary Clinton private email server case. It was also revealed that BSF was the same law firm where Hunter, President Joe Biden's "controversial" son also worked. Chutkan's tenure at the company overlapped with Hunter's time at BSF, where he was listed as counsel from 2009 to 2014. Moreover, BSF also reportedly represented Burisma, a private oil and gas company operating in Ukraine that was revealed to have "forcibly" bribed the Bidens for personal favor. Trump lambasted the blatant gross conflicts of interest involving Chutkan. He posted on his social media platform Truth Social: "The Obama appointed Judge in the FREE SPEECH Indictment of me by my political opponent, Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of InJustice, shared professional ties at the law firm that worked for Energy Company Burisma, based in Ukraine, of which Hunter Biden and his associate were 'proud' MEMBERS OF THE BOARD, and were paid Millions of Dollars, even though Hunter knew almost NOTHING about Energy. How much was the law firm paid? So Horrible. This is a CLASSIC Conflict of Interest!" In the past, the judge was forced to recuse herself when overseeing Fusion GPS's attempt to block former congressman Devin Nunes and lawyer Kash Patel from outing the source of payments that funded the infamous Steele dossier. "Fusion GPS, the DNC, and the Hillary Clinton campaign paid Christopher Steele millions of dollars and they laundered it through the FBI and the FISA court to unlawfully surveil Donald Trump. That's big-time stuff," Patel said during an interview with America First's Sebastian Gorka. "We found out her law firm, Boies Schiller, represented Fusion GPS. The very client that was in front of her in federal court was one of her former clients." That is why she must also disqualify in this particular case, Patel said, arguing, "She set the precedent. She cannot neutrally and arbitrarily preside over Trump's criminal trial when she recused herself from the very representation of the Democratic entrenchment: the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS because she was so biased because of her prior representation from Boies Schiller."

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Chutkan has been a "political opponent" of Trump

The judge has also been pushing the harshest possible sentences for every January 6 political prisoner that has hit her courtroom. According to an analysis done by Associated Press on court records, she has convicted at least 38 people of Capitol riot-related "crimes." All came with prison terms ranging from 10 days to over five years. Other judges have handed down sentences that are more lenient than those requested by prosecutors. (Related: Donald Trump pleads not guilty to ginned-up charges of attempting to overturn 2020 election results.) Moreover, this is not the first time that the two will face each other in court. Chutkan has also ruled against Trump before in a separate Jan. 6 case. In Nov 2021, she refused his request to block the release of documents to the House's J6 committee by asserting executive privilege. She rejected his arguments that he could hold privilege over documents from his administration even after Biden had cleared the way for the National Archives to turn the papers over. She wrote that Trump could not claim his privilege "exists in perpetuity." In the past ruling, the judge said, "Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President." The federal appeals court in Washington affirmed her ruling and the Supreme Court rejected Trump's appeal. Podcaster and former Assistant Treasury Secretary Monica Crowley posted on X, the microblogging site formerly called Twitter, saying: "This is the level of contempt they have for the Constitution, the rule of law, and YOU," with an attached screenshot of a news article titled, "Face-off with DC 'punisher.'" contains updates on the legal battles former President Donald Trump is facing.

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