“Hey, are you built like a T. Rex? Hard time reaching the steering wheel and the pedals at the same time? Have we got the assault rifle for you?” Or they could market it for people with low upper body strength. Can't handle a gun that weighs more than two pounds? Find yourself unable to lift a carton of milk anymore? Don't worry, it doesn't mean you shouldn't have a semiautomatic, blowback-action rifle of your dreams. It's specifically designed for you, great-great-grandma.She also opposed the company’s newer marketing material that showed a father teaching his daughter how to shoot (pictured below), which some would call empowering. “And if America is now marketing smaller, lighter, fully functional semiautomatic assault rifles for 5-year-olds, I mean, what's next?” she huffed. While she was ripping their splash page for showing a father and his daughter, she didn’t share how the page also discusses the “great American tradition” of families teaching their kids to shoot. “Since our nation’s founding, families have passed on a love for hunting and shooting sports from one generation to another. Parents and guardians wishing to preserve this tradition have taken the responsibility for introducing children to the safe, responsible use of firearms,” they wrote. What Maddow tried to do was vilify that tradition and make it sound like something abnormal and contemptible. How else would you describe her suggestion that gun owners want guns in the crib? “If they really want to get the full market share that might be available to them, maybe they could do a littler one that babies can use in the crib. Maybe they could fire it with their feet or something,” she flared her hatred. Having the weapon be smaller and sized for a smaller person was a safety feature in and of itself. Even for adults, using a firearm that’s too long or heavy for you can be dangerous. But that fact was lost on Maddow since her goal was to stoke fear. She even scoffed at the patented safety on the Jr-15. “[T]hey're very hot to tell you that it has special safety features. The special safety feature appears mostly to be just a second deliberately awkward safety knob on the other side of the gun from the regular safety,” she sneered. Wee 1 tactical describes the function of their safety as “tamper resistant safety that puts the adult in control of the firearm’s safety switch. The switch itself requires strength and dexterity to release. When this is engaged, the standard safety switch on the rifle cannot be released.” The whole concept of the rifle is for adults to operate alongside their kids. Rachel Maddow’s lies and hysteria were made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Safelite and Golden Corral. Their contact information is linked. Read more at: NewsBusters.org
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