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Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira arrested a SECOND time in Ukraine after trying to enter Hungary for asylum
By ethanh // 2023-08-06
For the second time since the war broke out there, Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira was arrested by Ukrainian authorities while trying to flee and enter Hungary for asylum. As you may recall, Lira was detained by Ukrainian intelligence back in May for allegedly harboring "pro-Russian sympathies." Now, he has been arrested by the same Ukrainian police state for attempting to make his way out of the war-torn country and into someplace safer. Lira has been making waves by publishing videos to YouTube that are critical of the war – and more importantly, that are critical of the United States-Kiev-NATO stance that Russia is an aggressor rather than a liberator. It remains to be seen, but Lira now faces a potentially very lengthy prison term that could include torture. We know this based on what surfaced following Lira's previous detention about how the Ukrainian government treats political detractors who do not support its side in the war. As usual, the Biden regime is ignoring this blatant persecution of an American citizen, who under the U.S. Constitution is to be afforded full free speech rights under the First Amendment. Sure, Lira is in Ukraine, not the U.S. But if the U.S. is going to send gobs of American taxpayer cash to Volodymr Zelensky while calling Ukraine a "democracy" that is aligned with U.S. interests, then it would only be right for Ukraine to respect Lira and other Americans' free speech rights. (Related: Check out this powerful interview in which Lira tells Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, all about the economic annihilation of Europe, among other important topics.)

Ukraine is run by a rogue dictator, Zelensky, who doesn't tolerate free speech

Because Lira holds an "incorrect" view of the war in the eyes of fake president Joe Biden and his cronies, Lira's fate is being ignored as if his life no longer matters. A brave reporter recently questioned the State Department about this, in fact, only to be ignored – watch below: Prior to his arrest, Lira had been posting videos explaining that he was attempting to flee Ukraine. He was due in a Ukrainian court this week, but basically skipped bail and attempted to escape in order to be granted asylum – you know, the same type of asylum that Hispanics from south of the border are trying to do as they enter the U.S. and receive free everything from the very same Biden regime that is doing nothing to help Lira. According to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Lira is guilty of "producing and disseminating materials that justified the armed aggression" of Russia. Because of this, he is not to be allowed to be a free man, in the eyes of the rogue and authoritarian Ukrainian government, which apparently does not tolerate any kind of free speech that goes against its dictates. Lira claims that the last time he was held by Ukrainian authorities, he was beaten and tortured. He was also extorted for his entire life savings, which amounts to around $100,000 when including the value of his confiscated computers and phones. Lira's family members and supporters described the scenes from his first arrest and court hearing as a "kangaroo court." Remind us again why U.S. taxpayers are being extorted and forced to send their hard-earned tax dollars to welfare queen Zelensky? The latest news about the situation in Ukraine can be found at Sources for this article include: