You hear a lot about 'natural healing' these days, but did you know that a sizable body of scientific literature actually supports the idea that natural medicine is safer and more effective than conventional, drug-based medicine?
(Article by Sayer Ji republished from
One of the greatest if not the greatest triumph of biomedical science today is its role in validating ancient healing modalities that long before the advent of science, and even recorded history itself, were passed down "orally" from generation to generation in the vast body of folkloric medical knowledge that still forms the basis for the majority of the world's primary health care system.
These so-called "natural" or "alternative" modalities, which our species owes its present day survivorship to after eons of dependency on them, are increasingly gaining the attention of men and women in white lab coats intent on unlocking the mysteries of how they work, and in many cases, why they work better than patented, synthetic, chemical-based medications.
As you may already know, at, we now have over 10,000 database sections dedicated to finding scientific support for natural alternatives, with six main indexes: Natural Substances, Ailments, Therapeutic Actions, Problematic Actions, Pharmacological Actions, and Problem Substances. You'll find about 47,000 study abstracts distributed across these databases, with new research added on a daily basis. You can take the dashboard for a spin by clicking the icon below:
Check out the new GreenMedInfo Research Dashboard (a byproduct of 12 years of development)
One section, however, you will not find in the aforementioned six indexes. It is titled, “Superiority of Natural Substances vs. Drugs,” and is part of another database I am developing called Keywords, and which will be released on our site in a few weeks. These include random and salient threads of thoughts, concepts, and themes that I ran into as I gathered, curated, and indexed all the research on over the past seven years, but do not naturally fit into the six major indexes.
In this database Keyword alone, there are listed over 180 natural substances which have been demonstrated, mostly in preclinical research (for reasons discussed elsewhere), to be superior to their conventional drug counterparts in over 270 different diseases. Take a look at this remarkable, and always growing, resource below:
Screenshot of one of over 10,000 GreenMedInfo database nodes: Superiority of Natural Substances vs. Drugs.
We also have a section called “Natural Substances versus Drugs” with an additional 292 studies relevant to 242 diseases where there is established at least an equi-potency between the natural and conventional treatment.
It is extremely encouraging to the natural health movement to know that research actually proves the potential superiority of ancient, natural interventions versus conventional ones. The point of bringing this information to the attention of the public is to show that, at the very least, there is a legitimate place for natural medicine alongside the conventional, drug-based form, and that this is not based strictly on subjective or anecdotal experience (which is valuable), but also the scientific evidence itself, which many critics of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) often claim does not even exist. If you like what you see here, please consider supporting our research project by becoming a member, which provides significantly enhanced features intended to expand and optimize the evidence-base of their health practice(s) and/or advocacies. Learn more here. Read more at: GreenMedInfo.comThrough Brighteon University (, Sayer Ji is now making available the full download of his Regenerate Yourself Masterclass. Find the full download at this link. All revenues help support both Sayer Ji's Green Med Info as well as Brighteon University.
This full download gives you a total of 14 modules of highly informative video content:
MODULE 1 – Regenerate: The New Biology Revolution Learn about the New Biology, focusing on the amazing capability of your body to regenerate, food as information, alternative sources of energy, and the revolutionary implications all this has to nutrition, medicine, genetics, and your lifespan and healthspan!
MODULE 2 – Regenerate Your Heart and Brain Learn about the incredible new science of cardiac, endothelial progenitor, and neuronal stem cells, and how to use food and lifestyle practices to literally regenerate your heart and brain!
MODULE 3 – Regenerate Your Metabolism, Optimize Your Weight Learn about the incredible new science of cardiac, endothelial progenitor, and neuronal stem cells, and how to use food and lifestyle practices to literally regenerate your heart and brain!
MODULE 4 – Regenerate Yourself Through Detoxification You’ll learn about ways to encourage the elimination of harmful chemicals and even natural metabolic byproducts that interfere with self-regeneration.
MODULE 5 – Regenerate Your Endocrine System & Promote Longevity As we age, our hormones taper off, and our body starts to struggle to renew. Find out powerful ways to take back control of the process, and even reverse biological aging with evidence-based strategies!
MODULE 6 – Regenerate Your Immune System From fasting to the incorporation of specific immunomodulatory super foods, the best way to prevent cancer and infection is to support your body’s innate defenses.
MODULE 7 – Regenerate Yourself Through Fitness You’ll learn from our fitness expert Hamad Shirazi, on ways to use movement as medicine, and incorporate simple practices to renew, strengthen, and optimize your bodily and mental fitness.
ADVANCED MODULE 1 – Regenerative Nutrition Deep Dive (Heart, Brain, Liver) Learn about the top specific foods, spices, remedies and practices that enable you to regenerate your heart, brain and liver.
ADVANCED MODULE 2 – Regenerative Nutrition Deep Dive (Bone, Skin, Aging) Learn about the top specific foods, spices, remedies and practices that enable you to regenerate your bone, skin and both decelerate and reverse premature aging.
ADVANCED MODULE 3 – Regenerate: Cancer & The New Biology Learn how to avoid a modern medical pitfall all too commonly overlooked in the name of “preventing cancer,” and “saving lives.” Get in depth information into cancer’s true nature, and ways to avoid becoming a cancer statistic due to over-diagnosis and over-treatment. As well as learn common evidence-based alternatives signaled in the biomedical literature.
ADVANCED MODULE 4 – Regenerative Fitness with Hamad Shirazi You’ll receive a full Regenerative Fitness program and teaching module from Sayer’s own personal coach and fitness adviser, who helped him regenerate his body to peak performance and resolve chronic mobility and back problems.
ADVANCED MODULE 5 – Regenerative Supplements An overview on the topic of supplements (do’s and don’ts, pros and cons), as well as specific supplements that Sayer has studied for 20 years, with his top recommendations in each major class of bodily concerns.
ADVANCED MODULE 6 – Regenerate: Sayer’s Life Hacks Learn what Sayer does daily to generate a regenerative lifestyle. Avoid these common mistakes, and take advantage of these common hacks, to realize (and hopefully exceed!) your health goals.
ADVANCED MODULE 7 – Regenerative Cooking with Tania Melkonian Chef Tania Melkonian and Sayer Ji present a special series of recipes from the Regenerate RX Menu plan, revealing practical culinary tips, as well as in depth information into the regenerative and healing properties of commonly available food ingredients and spices!
Get the full download of all this video content (plus additional bonus interviews) at:
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