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Sen. Marco Rubio, other lawmakers demand answers on UFOs and UAP
By lauraharris // 2023-07-30
Senior lawmakers are demanding comprehensive information on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) from military and other government officials. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is at the forefront of this push for more transparency on UFOs and UAP. While he clarifies that he doesn't necessarily believe the government is hiding evidence of the discovery of extraterrestrial life, he stressed that it is crucial to get to the bottom of the issue, especially when unknown objects are operating in restricted American airspace. "My primary interest in this topic is if there are … objects operating over restricted air space, it's not ours and we don't know whose it is. That's a problem that we need to get to the bottom of," said Rubio. "If there's an explanation for it that's being kept from Congress, then we need to force the issue. We're not getting answers." (Related: Sen. Marco Rubio: Senior government officials have first-hand knowledge of secret UFO programs.) Back in June, Rubio alleged the existence of a clandestine UFO craft crash retrieval program in operated by the government with the help of high-security officials within the Department of Defense. The senator's claims came to light during a recent interview with NewsNation on June 26, where he addressed the allegations made by Air Force veteran and former intelligence officer David Grusch. Grusch asserted in testimony before Congress that the Pentagon had not only discovered the wreckage of UFOs but had also recovered deceased alien bodies from these crashed spacecraft. Rubio's statements have sent shockwaves through the political and scientific communities, reigniting discussions about the existence of extraterrestrial life and government involvement in UFO-related activities. Along with Rubio, a bipartisan group of senators – including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sens. Mike Rounds (R-SD), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Todd Young (R-IN) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) – have sponsored an amendment to a bill calling for the collection and full disclosure of all records related to UFOs and UAPs unless a special review board deems it necessary for them to remain classified.

Lawmakers hear testimonies, but remain cautious on the issue

The interest in UFOs and UAP is not confined to the Senate. The House Oversight Committee held a hearing on the subject, with Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) leading the proceedings. Testimonies have been presented by Grusch, former Navy Cmdr. David Fravor and former Navy pilot Ryan Graves. Grusch said the government has retrieved "non-human origin technical vehicles" that have landed on Earth. He asserted that the U.S. government has been running secret UAP programs for decades. Grusch, who previously served in prestigious roles within the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, claimed that he provided classified information about these programs to Congress and the Intelligence Community inspector general. According to Grusch, that classified information confirms the existence of covert operations aimed at retrieving partial and intact remains of nonhuman origin aircraft and their occupants. These mysterious technical vehicles, reminiscent of spacecraft, are allegedly of extraterrestrial origin, and the government has had encounters with deceased extraterrestrial pilots. Grusch added that numerous current and former senior military and intelligence officers have provided him with evidence and documents supporting the existence of these clandestine programs over the years. The Pentagon was quick to rebut Grusch's statements, denying the existence of any UFO and extraterrestrial retrieval program and dismissing the idea of possessing extraterrestrial materials. The Defense Department asserted that there is no verifiable information to corroborate claims of encounters with extraterrestrial beings or the possession of their technology, whether in the past or the present. Follow for more news about UFOs and UAP. Watch the video analyzing David Grusch's claims about recent UFO discoveries. This video is from the Brian Ruhe channel on

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